Sunday, January 23, 2011


It was a fun (but long) weekend, not only because of us being snowed/iced in, but because Jay has been out of town all weekend.  He flew out Thursday night to go to Orlando to be with his grandmother after her husband passed away/preach the funeral.  He will be home late tonight (Sunday) and I am soooo excited to see him!  I really missed him this time.  Things went smoothly with the kiddos but I just missed my best friend!

We normally go to the 9:00 service because I love long Sunday afternoons but since I was a single parent that morning, I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the second service.  They were excited and we spent most of the morning in my bed watching cartoons, drinking coffee, playing and laughing.  I had all my little chickens in a wad and it was so relaxing and fun.  Here are some pics before church... 

The ones with me in it are fuzzy because I had sweet children taking them! :)

After church Karis had MM over before Splash that night.  They had a ball and I almost didn't even see them.  They played upstairs so quietly.  They did come down one time and they looked like this....interesting?!?!?

And Brayden came down like this.  I guess they put him in jail!  Hey not a bad idea!!!

All the while, Lucy REALLY enjoyed a piece of chocolate!  Haha

Tonight the kids had Splash and Lucy and I went to small group.  I just want to say that I LOVE my small group.  For those that don't do small groups, instead of a "Sunday school" class, we meet in homes one night a week and eat (that part is really important to our group haha) and have a Bible study class.  It is a time just to "do life" together.  Somehow when you get outside of the church walls, people tend to get more open, honest, and vulnerable.  They are more willing to share their struggles, concerns, prayer requests and victories.  People are REAL when they might not be elsewhere.  People have shared some real struggles and we can rally around those people and pray for them and encourage them throughout the week.  It is one of my fav times of the week and I wouldn't want to go through life without this type of accountability.  If you haven't join on a small group, do so NOW!  Isn't this what the "church" is for anyway?!  We dont' have to do life on our own!

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