I don't know about all of you, but the walls are caving in on us!!! We are used to being outside and on the go but it is SOOO cold outside, we can't go out without putting on 14 layers. This Winter is seeming very long and although I love the Winter, I look forward to days when it is warm enough we can go outside!
Karis before going to school this morning...
The "babies" as we have always called them around here but they really aren't babies anymore!
Landon (he turns 2 next month!)
The only way I could get her to be still this morning for a pic was to put her baby in her lap haha!
My boy B (at 4 1/2 years old)
The whole crew (this is typical haha)...did I mention we were going stir crazy???
Ax (21 months)
Lucy was found doing this most of the morning...pushing her stroller and carrying her purse full of goodies.
So glad I caught this on camera cause it was so sweet. She sat down and started pulling things out of her purse.
She pulled out all of her "money"...
Acted like she was counting it....
...and started dishing it out to all of her friends! It was so sweet! I am happy that (most of the time) she is willing to share!
Then she pulled out her phone...
...called somebody....
...and then kissed them through the phone. Not sure who she was calling...hopefully her daddy and not a boyfriend haha!
At least it is a short week...looking forward to the weekend! Pics of Lucy's big girl room coming soon!
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