Friday, January 21, 2011

Going to Chicago...

We are on snow day #3 of the year and we have fully enjoyed a snowed in pj kind of day.  We have delved into all things comfy.  We had layer upon layer trying to stay cozy and warm!

And none of it matched and it was just perfect.  :)

The kids were playing and came in the living room and said, "Bye Mom.  We are going to Chicago!  We packed our bags.  We'll see ya tomorrow!"  haha 

Lucy's bag was bigger than she was!

We drank lots of this stuff and played skip-bo...

I helped Karis address her Valentines cards....

I walked outside for about 2 minutes to take pics outside and it was brrrr...cold!  The kids haven't mentioned playing in the "s" word (the white stuff) and I am not mentioning it either!  I am just fine staying warm and cozy today.  It sure did look pretty though!

Our driveway was a sheet of ice.

Karis and Lucy played for a long time with their dolls and I didn't complain.  I love that they are starting to play together.  Karis is probably glad she has someone to play dolls with.  And of course Lucy probably just enjoyed another girl to play with considering she plays every day with all boys!

All the while, B played basketball or the Wii. He didn't participate in the doll playing haha!  He taught me how to play Mario Kart and I lost.  every. time.  Yes it is true.  My 4 year old is WAY better than me at this stuff.  He kept saying, "Mom you just do this."  And then he would say, "Mom I am beating you."  Yes son, I am afraid you are.

I need to go grocery shopping but I don't think I will attempt to get out today.  Maybe tomorrow.  And I also need to clean, do laundry, empty the dishwasher, bathe the kids, iron, and the list goes on.  Maybe tomorrow.

That is...if my kids are back from Chicago.  :) 

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