Friday, September 19, 2014

Hail storm

One afternoon with really no warning it started hailing TERRIBLE like so hard I was scared to go to the window because it was coming down so hard that I thought it would bust the windows!  We had some windows open before it hit and it happened so fast we couldn't get them closed in time.  We had some come in through the windows.  They were HUGE!!!  It wasn't even cold outside it was crazy!

Monday, September 15, 2014

First day of National School

Well we started homeschool weeks ago but since we are doing both homeschool and National school, today is another first.  Everyone was a little anxious but excited.  Mom was struggling a tad but wanted everyone to just have a good day.

And here is Lucy's homeschool accomplishment! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lucy's first day of Kindergarten National School

I had prepared myself that today would be rough…for weeks on end when I think about my baby starting Kindergarten I would lose it at the drop of a hat.  I had a rough time when Karis and Brayden started school, but I had no idea how hard it would be to send the baby off to school.  Not to mention, this time it was in a second language which means the challenges are that much greater!  But she was so very excited so I was excited for her too!

She has been counting down the days and when she went to bed last night, she said, "I can't wait to go to bed so I can wake up, put on my clothes and go to 'real' school!"  :)

She knew I was going to miss her terribly so when we were walking to school, she found this heart and picked it up and said to me, "Here mom, you can hold this and remember me today ok?!"  My heart melted in two!

So thankful to Gul for helping us out today with translating!!!  She is a great friend!

Ok so here is where the God story comes in.  We were told last week when we registered her that she had to be there at 9:00 this week (this week is actually a 'pretend' week for kindergarteners to get them acclimated, school really starts next week) but when we go there today, they told us it didn't start until 10:30.  So we looked at the teacher list while waiting and found out that Lucy's teacher was one of Gul's very good friends!!!!  Since we had to wait an hour and a half, we started to walk home when her teacher drives right up and parks right where we were walking.  We got to meet her and then she invited us in to have chai.  We sat and talked with her in the teacher's room for over an hour, uninterrupted and got to explain some issues (potty, language, allergies etc).  It was like our own personal teacher conference!!!  

Then at 10:30 we went to the classroom (where all the other parents waited in droves) and had a teacher/parent/student meeting.  Today only the kids only stayed about 30 minutes so that the teacher could meet them and play with them and introduce each other.  We waited outside until they were done.  When it was over Lucy come out and started crying.  When I asked her why, she said it was because it wasn't long enough and she didn't get to play outside with her friends and/or eat her precisely packed lunch ha!  She can't wait to go back tomorrow and I didn't even cry!  It was a win win for both of us!!!! 

Praise the Lord for His provisions for us today! 

Her classroom….

Lucy's teacher…she was so very kind to us.  I am so thankful!

I wasn't sure how long it would take her to learn the language, but she came home today singing a song in the national language I couldn't believe it!!!!!

She can't wait for tomorrow!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Celebrations and Praise

We celebrated a friend in our city that is due for a sweet baby girl in the next two weeks.  Can't wait to hold that sweet little baby!

We also recently celebrated sweet Gabriel turning one!

So thankful for God's promises in His word recently.  He truly is water in the dessert to me right now!

For family Bible study, daddy had a really cute helper!

We did it…ice bucket challenge complete with the help of some local friends.

My Friday night entertainment these days….

Lucy got a package from Story she was soooo excited!

We also celebrated another friend's 4th birthday this past week.  Lucy was all about the princess attire!

We love getting to go to the pazaar.  It's definitely a cultural experience!
 Karis' idea to get our own sunflower seeds.  We rinsed, dried, boiled, dried and then roasted.  Even though they took 3 days, they were yummy!

 This is how you move out from a high rise around here….

Hold fast to Him and NEVER stop praising Him!