Friday, August 31, 2012

Family Staycation Part 1 of 3

Jay and I had considered for Labor Day weekend taking the kids away for a night somewhere or even just getting a hotel room in our town for a night just for a change...something to look forward to for the kids.  There they could swim and have a change of scenery.  But when we started adding up the numbers, we decided we could just change it up a bit and save some money yet still do lots of fun things.  We ended up doing our 2 days of fun for pretty cheap so I will share with you the cost of things so you can see that you can do fun things on a low budget.

So, we decided on Friday night to go to a place about 20 minutes from our house called the Tunica Aquatic Center and it is cheap and tons of fun for the kids.  We have been before but usually only go a few times a year.  It has a kid-friendly pool with fountains and then an olympic size pool as well with high dives.  It costs our family $20 to get in.

Instead of getting a hotel room, we decided to stay in the bunkhouse down at our camp for FREE.  The kids love going down there and Lucy and Brayden (and myself) have never slept there.  They LOVED the idea!  After swimming, we went down and got our bunks ready and had a slumber party complete with Uno and our iPads.  Karis and Lucy slept on top bunks next to each other and Brayden slept on a bunk close to Jay and I.

Such a fun night and the fun continues tomorrow.  We have a "downtown day" in store for the rest of our "staycation!"

Friend Friday

It's Friday again...this week went by quickly!  Here are some pics I took of our friends this week....

When Hazel plays peek-a-boo, she covers her cheeks.  "Where's Hazellll????"

Everett LOVES outside!  As soon as he gets up from his nap he is wanting to put on his shoes and GO!

Hazel can not hide her excitement!

Jake playing with water balloons!

Sweet friends :)

Hazel is playing with Everett's shoes and Everett was playing with Hazel's hair ha!

Everett on a mission!

Jake LOVES Thomas the train and any kind of train really.  When he has a train, he is in his element!

Everett giving Hazel "love"...

Hazel returning the favor haha....

Everett was trying to hold her hand and she didn't like it.  I wonder how many more years she will feel like that?! I am positive her opinon of holding hands will change!  :)

Jake has pretended to be Batman alot lately.  His parents found him this costume last night and he came today as the "weal" Batman (as Lucy calls it!).

Everett got a haircut last night so I had to take some pics of him....

"Don't be scared!  It's just me, Jake!"

The "weal" (real)  Princess and the "weal" Batman

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Best Friends!

It is no surprise that outside of family, Story is Lucy's favorite person in the whole world.  Lucy asks me EVERY day without fail, "Mom someday can I go to Story's house?"  I always answer, "Well of course you can someday."  She gets to see her pretty often, several times a week at least.  But it is still not enough for Lucy.  From what I hear, Story asks about Lucy just as much.

Story spent the night last night so of course I took some pictures....

Story came with her hair braided last night and so this morning both girls wanted their hair braided again.  Lucy wanted her "just like Story's."  And they wanted to dress alike...their idea, not mine.

This was them at bedtime last night.  They were giggling like a bunch of school girls!

So thankful for good friends for my children!