Thursday, July 30, 2009

Check out the new look!

I have gotten nothing, nada, zilch done today....EXCEPT I have redesigned my blog because it needed updating since Lucy joined our family. So what do you think???

I gotta run so I can vacuum, dust, exercise, take a shower, go to the grocery store, cook dinner, sweep, mop, wash, dry and fold clothes go play some more!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

End of summer fun

Our Summer days are running out so we had to make it to the Aquacenter since it is one of our favorites. Joining us today were Paige and Mari-Morgan and Nathan, and Mary Beth and Ellie, Ethan and Eli. They swam their hearts out and had a blast!

The girls Karis, Mari-Morgan and Ellie

Ethan, Karis, Mari-Morgan and Brayden

My babies

The mushroom (their clubhouse)

Adorable Eli

Look at Vanna White!

Brayden and Ethan

Loving that smile...

Two peas in a pod....

Lucy getting spoiled by Mary Beth

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lucy meets Pawpaw and Grace

One of Jay's role models is his granddad, his dad's dad. He lives in Columbus, MS and has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer for the 2nd time. He had it once before but they were able to remove it via surgery. This time they can't but he is undergoing chemo treatments that are making him pretty sick. He hasn't been able to meet Lucy yet due to the distance between them, Lucy being a newborn and him feeling so sick. Today we met them in Tupelo where he had a doctor's appointment and Lucy got to meet them for the first time!

While we waited for them to get there, the kids played on the playground...

Pawpaw and Grace meet Lucy...

Pawpaw and Lucy

She was grinning so big at him!

Grace is always good with babies!

How cute! Someday I will cherish these pictures!

Pawpaw, Grace and the kids

Pawpaw with Karis and Brayden before we said our goodbyes

Monday, July 27, 2009

The big 3-0!

I am not too sure about how I feel about entering a new decade, but I have realized that turning 30 can't be all that bad...besides it is just a number! I have been so blessed over the past 30 years and I know that whatever time God allows me on this Earth, I will continue to be blessed. Each day is a gift and although I didn't deserve it, He has rewarded me with an amazing husband, 3 beautiful, healthy children and although we are no millionaires, we are definitely rich (in love...not money).

My mom had the big kids last night so my hubby and I enjoyed a relaxing morning in our pj's, he fixed me coffee and breakfast (ok, it was the P90X breakfast...hard boiled egg whites). He even peeled them for me! He gave me my birthday gift and it was such a nice morning. We had a lunch date planned so my buddy Paige asked to keep Lucy for us. So nice! Here are some pics we took of her before we left. She is wearing a new outfit given to her by my mom's best friend Karen (Aunt KK) and doesn't she look adorable? I could take a bite out of those cheeks!

My hubby gave me Dolce and Gabbana's Light Blue perfume for my birthday and it smells so good! He picked it out himself! He did good! Now I don't have to smell like spit-up!

After dropping Lucy off at Paige's house (her first babysitter other than family), Jay and I went to eat SUSHI...yum! We both love it and crave it from time to time so we headed over to Kyoto just the two of us. Ahhh!

After lunch we had a few hours before meeting mom to pick up big kids and picking up Lucy so we headed over to a local bookstore and spent an hour or two enjoying our java and reading random books. I can't remember the last time I did that! It was much needed!

We picked up the kids and enjoyed the evening at home as a family. Did I mention I am...blessed?!

30 isn't so bad. After all, isn't it the new 20? :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Celebrating my 30th bday with my homies

Sunday we celebrated my 30th birthday with my family and as always, it was great just to have everyone together...all my brothers and their wives, girlfriends etc. We went to church with them at Faith that morning and then went to mom's house for the day.

On our way

Yep we are from Mississippi! We were running late and Brayden had to go to the bathroom so we just pulled off on the grass and let him relieve himself. I didn't know Jay took this picture until after the fact! I was leaning him over because I didn't want him to mess up his leather shoes. Every time he does this (peeing in the grass) he says, "Mom look I am watering the grass!'s growing!!!"

Uncle Al

Jonathan the party pooper...he falls asleep every time we get together. My card from the kids sang the song "Ce-le-brate good times...come on!" and we put it over his ears to wake him up!

Me and oldest girl

Me and my #1

Pop and Brayden

Karis with Allen and Jonathan

My family of 5

My favorite 4 people in the world...

My girls...

Lolli and Lucy...notice her shirt. Lolli gave it to her :)

Karis chillin on the big porch.....

Brayden the firefighter...

My sweet 3rd born...

First time in a bumbo...she seemed to like it great! OH wait...she ALWAYS grins!
What a fun day! Thanks everyone for making me feel special. Mom even cooked us a P90X meal since me, Jay, Matt and Tiff are all doing it. EXCEPT for the pie...yep, I had a piece. Did I mention it was my birthday (or almost)? Remember, I can cry if I want to (or eat pie)!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

We're on a roll.

pulled weeds for 4 hours. swept and cleaned out garage. completed about 20 loads of laundry including folding and putting away. cleaned both bathrooms. mopped all floors. hung up clothes. washed and waxed the car. mowed the front and back yards. did our P90X workouts. fed Lucy 489 times (well it feels like it). washed 3 sets of sheets and remade beds. cleaned out toy boxes. bathed kids. i even took a shower myself..yep my family thanked me for that. laid out kids clothes for tomorrow. ate at mcalisters (yes we splurged and had sweet tea)...and now I can't sleep. maybe that caffeinated sweet tea wasn't such a great idea after all. 6 a.m. will come quite early.

I survived the first week.

We survived the first of 12 weeks of P90X. Grueling workouts, disciplined menu, counting calories, weights, yada, yada, yada. I am actually starting to get the hang of the X. Tomorrow is our off day.... and I just might miss it.

Yep he did it...

...for an early birthday present.

He knows what brings a smile to my face. Ahhhh.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

P90X update

Today is day 3 of the P90X fitness program. Jay and I are doing it together and are doing the videos and the nutrition plan (although I am having to alter it a little bit because I am still nursing). I have to say the workouts are very hard, but do-able. But today ab workout about KILLED me. OUCH! But that is the area I need the most due to having 3 babies in 5 years. Let's just say I no longer have that six pack (but hope to at the end of this)! I am taking pictures but will only post them at the end (maybe). I am a little embarassed right now and don't want to post them for the world to see. I am sore in muscles I didn't know I had for sure! Anyone else want to give it a try???

COOL July day at the zoo!

It is the end of July and the weather was COOL at the zoo today...shocker! It was a great day...cloudy (but no rain), cool and it wasn't crowded at all! Me and Mom met my long time friend Candace there and it was great getting to catch up with her and her two kids, Bo and Juliet.

Our favorite monkeys the Bonobos

Me with my big kids

Me and Lolli

Candace's son Bo

Candace and Juliet

Our attempt at getting a picture of the 3 of them....oh well, we tried!

Lolli snuggling Lucy while Karis and Brayden played on the playground...

Karis showing me some of her "tricks"

Then they went swimming although the water was a little gross today...