Monday, March 30, 2009

Fishing with dad

This afternoon when I picked up the kids from school and Jay had finished working, we headed out to the lake to take the kids fishing.  The weather was gorgeous and we wanted to take advantage of it.  We took them to buy crickets first which was an adventure!  They loved that part!

Karis and daddy

Kids watching daddy put the crickets on the hooks

Karis was not a bit scared of these little rodents

Sweet daddy and daughter moment

Daddy helping Brayden fish...momma just doesn't "do" on certain adventures

Brayden's catch of the day...he was so proud of it!

Karis even caught 2 on her Barbie fishing pole

Karis first catch of the day (1 out of 2)...she was also very proud and started squealing in excitement!
Afterwards Brayden was obsessed with the crickets.  He would get one out and hold it in his hand until it was WAY dead.  He can't wait until tomorrow when he can get another one out and play with it!  

As my dad would say...we "made lots of memories" today!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Christine!

Tonight we celebrated Christine's 35th birthday with a surprise!  She thought she was going to eat with her family and David told her he had a presentation to show to her at our church on the big screen.  So we surprised her and she loved it!  The theme was Disco Karaoke and we saw a side of some people that we have never seen!

Our church drummer and friends, Andrew and Amber

David Fields and Dave Anglin breaking it down (and Ethan threw in some dance moves too)

Our pastor and wife, Brian and Paige

The birthday girl (on the right) and Monica who had the best outfit of the night (her husband is in the background on the right...they both had great wigs on)

Brandon Potts and Brian singing (Brian even did the moonwalk!)

Nathan and Mari-Morgan (today is also Nathan's 8th birthday)

A big gang singing was great but the best part was Janet Anglin on the right when she broke down and started doing the Roger Rabbit across the stage!  We were all shocked and it was great!
Happy Birthday Christine!  It was fun celebrating with you!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday Allen!

UPDATED:  For Allen's birthday we grilled out steaks at my mom's house and it was great to get everybody together.  It consisted of my family, my mom, my dad, Allen, my brother Jonathan and his girlfriend Jenna, my brother Matt and his sweet wife Tiffany. It is rare for all of us to get together all at the same time so it is always fun when we do.  After we ate yummy steaks and mom's homemade caramel pies, we headed to the mall because the kids wanted to show their daddy how they "jump."  Even my sister in law Tiffany jumped this time!

My sweet brother Allen celebrated his 21st birthday today but we plan to celebrate sometime next week.  When we do,  pictures will soon follow.  But for now, we are proud of you Uncle Allen and so excited that you are becoming such a young man!  We love you and look forward to celebrating with you soon!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A day of fishing

Today Lolli and Pop came out to spend the day with us and Jay took them fishing.  It was a beautiful day and well spent outside.

Pop fishing with Brayden

Daddy took each of the kids out on the lake in the boat to go fishing.  Karis did catch a fish and was so proud of it (although it got away).  Oh!  And notice her outfit...yea...dressed herself again.  Beautiful I know!  It is typical fishing attire I guess.

Just SOME of the fish daddy caught.  There had to have been at least 30 if not more.

Pop and Brayden fishing again

He had to have his favorite bobber on there.  But don't worry there really wasn't a hook.  But shhh!  Don't tell him he would be very upset because he fished with it for a very long time!

Lolli even got out on the boat to catch a fish but no luck.

Lolli and Pop brought our friend Kinsley out to the country.  She loved it!  She is almost 2 and will probably have a sister born this week!

My little fisherman

When we got back to the house, Karis found a dead snail and had a burial for it.  She said she wanted to get it "out of the rain."

Little Miss Priss REALLY enjoyed the dirt...she even had it coming out of her nose!

Kinsley Joy...isn't she cute?

Karis didn't like this fish she was holding because it was still moving.   Brayden carried this fish around for over an hour.  He even had to tell it good night before he went to bed.

Anyone hungry?  Dinner is served!

Karis is sometimes still a priss...but she sure isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.  

Daddy's little helper as he cleaned ALL the fish.  Can't wait to eat them!  Here he was asking if he could "hold the head."
Fun day Lolli and Pop...thanks for spending it with us!

I am not believing this...

Ok so I have always been a grammar/spelling junkie and am CONSTANTLY noticing words everywhere that are misspelled.  It drives Jay crazy!  I think if I had a job where I could proofread things, I would be in hog heaven and I would be good at it!  However today I saw something that I believe tops the cake.

After church, Jay and I stopped at a local gas station to pick up a paper to get my coupons for the week and I saw this sign and had to stop and take a picture...

Just in case you missed that, how about 2 BUGERS  and 2 fries for $4.98?
ME?  I think I'll pass on that one!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Zoo Trip

Today we took a trip to the zoo with ALOT of friends and it was a blast.  We had 15 kids in all so we almost had a mini-daycare.  But the kids probably had more fun than they have ever had.  It was me and my two (Karis and Brayden), Rachel and her three (Drew, Kendall and Jack), my mom and she brought 3 old foster kids that have since been adopted (Emily, Nick, and Timmy) and a friend's daughter Kinsley, my brother Allen, my mom's friend Karen and she had her twin foster children (Chubba and Lil Sis) and 2 older foster children who have since been adopted (Michael and Grace), and my mom's friend Terri with her two kids (Ross and Trey).  It was a fun bunch and the kids would go from stroller to wagon and back again.  It was tough keeping up with everyone because the zoo got really crowded being the end of Spring Break.

Below is our group minus two:

Drew, Kendall, Brayden and Timmy eating donuts

Our caravan (4 strollers and 1 wagon)

Karis and Brayden at the playground

The sea lion show

One of the few times I have seen a panda outside

The panda movie and SOME of our crew (9 out of 15)

Twins Chubba and Lil Sis

Me and my kiddos 

Lolli and Karis

They are both looking at the camera...yah!

Brother and Sis Grace and Michael

Some of the crew (Drew, Karis, Timmy, and Grace)

Petting a lion head

This trip proved to be too much for these two little ones...we were there for 6 1/2 hours (9:00 to 3:30).

Elephant show


Me and my girl
It was a great day but by the time we got home I was exhausted!  It was a little much for my 7 month preggo body....don't know if I will try that again (not for that long anyway)!  I crashed on the couch!  Thanks to Lolli for taking the kids home with her for the night!