Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hair Salon and Sunshine!

Happy Thursday to ya!

Today was a productive day.  I think the sunshine gave me a boost!  This morning the kiddos somehow all were trying to do hair.  They all had babies and/or a brush and were styling the babies' hair and each others.  Do we have some future cosmetologists on our hands???

Lucy was playing patty-cake with babies' toes... 

This made me laugh...then she started brushing them!  I guess baby had hairy toes ha!

The big boys started making silly faces at me...

Then Lucy copied them.  I was laughing out loud!

It was so warm today we got to play outside!!!  I was so thankful for the sunshine and the heat wave of 50ish today.  They went out with jackets and ended up taking them off because they got hot!  It was awesome!  I was working outside while the kids were playing and managed to sweep/clean out our garage, blow the driveway and vacuum out the car.  It was great just to get some fresh air!

This afternoon, I walked into Lucy's room to find this.  She was playing so quietly and was concentrating.

She had her fruit snacks lined up on her window sill (I am afraid she will be an organizer like her momma and sissy).

And she was reading her Bible.  Fruit snacks and Bible, what more could a girl want?  (For me, I would have chosen coffee instead and I am sure she would have too if she had been given a choice!)

Tonight Jay had a meeting so the kids and I went to wash the car, came back to eat dinner and take baths, I managed to mop, vacuum, dust, iron about 20 items of clothing, wash several loads of clothes and clean the kitchen.  The kids are now in bed asleep and I am cuddled on the couch sipping on some Joe waiting on my man to come home.  We have a home date with 24 tonight...and there is no place I'd rather be!  :)

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