Sunday, October 13, 2013

Training bound!

Well the time has come and we are off to VA for some training.  We were gonna split up the driving into 2 days but decided to go ahead and drive the whole 14 hours in one day since the kids were doing so great.  They seriously were WONDERFUL the whole time....such great attitudes!  Hey...we will take them when we can get them ha!  

We always try to stay at hotels with indoor pools/hot tubs because it gives the kids something to do while we are here.  And we hardly ever even share it with anybody...once again we had it all to ourselves.

Cannonball (X3)!!!!!

I love these crazy kiddos and their fun personalities!  They make my heart smile!

Tomorrow we move into our training site...let the fun begin!  We are ready to be settled for a change...even if it is just a little while! Pray for us!

Friday, October 11, 2013

The last few days...

The last few days before we moved to some training we got to spend with Lolli and Pop and crew!  Our time with family is priceless these days and we are treasuring every second we have with them.  We met our buddies at Skyzone to jump with Lolli.

Karis was THRILLED to have this friend join her!

Of course Lucy always adds "priss" to the mix ha!

Isaac, Brayden and Nathan

In action having a blast!

Karis did Lucy's hair one day.  It was...colorful.  :)

We had smores by the firepit of course a favorite of my kiddos. 

Things were busy and I regret not getting more pictures with the whole crew.  :(

While Lolli spent a day with the kiddos I got to have a lunch date/errands with the hubs!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A forever friend

I absolutely cherish friends that remain friends despite the years, circumstances or miles.  Michelle is one of those friends.  She and I met when I was in fifth grade and we lived in the same neighborhood, went to school together, church together, did youth group together, cheered together, went on trips together, college together, were sorority sisters, and even roomed together in college.  And since,  even though hours have separated us, we have remained friends and when we get together, we pick right up where we left off.  And when we get together now, we get to share our families and our kids get to make memories together....priceless.

Priceless memories like this one....
The time when her youngest sweetheart Hayes was taking selfies of his gum with my phone ha! 

Hayes and Lucy dressing Lucy's babies!

Me, Shelly and our 5 kiddos!

Can't wait to see you again friend!  Love you Shelly!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Visit with Nonnie and Pop-Pop

We so enjoyed our few days with Nonnie, Pop-Pop and family!  It is always a treat to have them show us around and see what small towns have to coke bottles!  The kids LOVED them! And why is Karis looking so "teenager" I do NOT like it!

While Nonnie and Aunt Jess took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese, Jay and I visited my Alma Mater.  It was great to be back on campus although things have changed quite a bit!

The kids loved spending time with Nonnie...

I could not believe it when she sent me this picture.  My kids have always been terribly frightened by things "dressed up."  But apparently it was the day...all of them agreed to get their pic taken and Lucy wasn't even on the outside!  HUGE strides!

We love it when Grandmother is always so good!  We had veggies and homemade chicken 'n dumplins...YUM!

So thankful we get the opportunity to spend time with the kids' great grandparents...priceless!

Kids love their Pop-Pop {and milkshakes}!

Jay and his special lady!

Toof-less Brayden...I know the time is limited missing the two front teeth so I am getting pics while I can. :)

Karis had a bday party at Nonnie's house since her birthday was last week.  Her {future} Uncle Jason brought Karis flowers. :)

The kids got to see Pop-Pop ride his motorcycle...

...and Lu held her ears the entire time ha!

So grateful for this special time to spend with all of the family before we are gone for a few months.  God is good!

Monday, October 7, 2013

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...

The past week has been a journey for us and Brayden's teeth.  He has some anxiety about pulling teeth yet won't let either of us touch them.  So there were several days when both teeth were hanging on like this (sorry if you have a weak stomach ha!)....

But he pulled the first one and was so proud!  The other one was loose but wasn't ready to come out...yet.

Until...Saturday night when we were at our friends house and Ethan and Brayden were playing Ninjas and Ethan accidentally punched Brayden's tooth and knocked it really loose.  So today he pulled the other one and evened it out.  He looks so cute and talks even cuter! :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Closing a chapter...

Transition is not always easy but necessary for obedience.  This week we closed out a chapter and are making a move so there were lots of closed chapters and many new beginnings on the horizon!  

Jay's last day in his "old" office...

So thankful for this sweet secretary Mrs. Beth....

We have packed up and moved out of our house...very bittersweet.  We have lived here 8 years and Brayden and Lucy were both born while we lived here.

Making a last walk-through...

 We were able to speak at our fellowship on Sunday and sad to say goodbye to so many good friends.  Gonna miss them terribly but thankful for the time we have had with them.  This sweet friend has been one of my best friends over the last 6 years and I have come to love and appreciate her so much.  Our family will miss "Aunt Paige" and her dear family!