Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trash Tuesday

I don't really know why but there is a big hoop-la on Tuesdays around here because it is garbage day and the kids get to see the garbage truck.  They ooh and aah and point for the 5 minutes it graces us with it's presence!

Karis and Brayden used to LOVE the Kidsong videos when they were little and they were the cheapest things ever.  We got them each for a dollar at Walmart and we have wore them out over the years.  However, I put one in today for the kids and they sat this like the entire time....
I guess they love them too!  When I put in a letter video this afternoon, Lucy started crying saying, "Kidsongs!!!!"  

Lucy was barefoot and sleeveless today.  I love the fact that Spring/Summer brings with it less clothes!  Less clothing, no big boots/flip flops instead, and no winter jackets everywhere.  

Brayden caught this lone fish last night fishing with daddy and kept it to show me when they got back from gymnastics but little fellow was too little to keep.  So Brayden laid it down outside and wanted to show it to Trey this morning.  Poor thing was stiff as a stick and they played with the thing all day, on the stick, of course. I would NOT let them touch the nasty creature.

Love the sweet barefeet...ignore the weeds ha!

When Karis got home we went to a local park for the kids to play while I (and Lucy) walked.  Then we had my favorite roast tonight...it is a fav by all!  

Looking forward to some family time tonight!

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