Monday, March 14, 2011

Asthma, shots, pizza and Bieber fever

This morning we had a doctor's appointment planned for Brayden to get his 5 year check up (school shots more importantly) and yesterday Brayden just happened to have as asthma episode starting last night.  For those who don't know, Brayden has seasonal asthma, meaning he doesn't deal with it all the time but he has triggers that make it flare up.  When he gets colds and when the weather is changing are two things that typically set it off.  Well the last couple of times he has had a flare up, it gets bad fast and he ends up having to get on a steroid.  The doctor said he was having to have them (steroids) too often so he put him on a preventive asthma medicine every day.  He takes Pulmicort through a breathing treatment every morning and we have been consistent for a month now.  When he flared up last night (even though we had been on preventive meds), it looked like it was getting bad fast and I was even up in the middle of the night giving treatments.  I started worrying (I know I shouldn't but couldn't help it) that he was going to have a steroid again (and there are bad side effects if he has too many so we want to keep him OFF of them).  So I was up alot of the night pleading with the Lord to heal our son's asthma and praying that we would get some answers at the doc's office and that we would be able to come up with a plan that would work to prevent these attacks.

When it gets bad, he goes about 3 hours between treatments at the most.  Would you believe that after I pleaded with the Lord, he went 8 hours without one and I woke up in a panic because I hadn't heard him cough once (and that is unheard of when he has asthma attacks...he coughs constantly)!  I ran upstairs to make sure he was breathing and he was soundly sleeping, not a wheeze at all.  I gave him one when he got up regardless but he probably didn't need one. I truly believe God healed Brayden from his attack.  

When we got to the doc I explained all this and she listened to him and said, "He sounds great!"  The bad part was that he had to get 5 shots and Karis had to get 1.  Then we had to go to another clinic and have some blood drawn, all 3 of them.  So it was a crazy morning but we were glad to have it all over with.  Brayden was so brave during all his stuff this and acted so big.  

He weighed 36 lbs. and was 42 inches tall.  He sight, vision and blood pressure was perfect.

We decided they deserved a big treat for all their agony so we took them to Cici's for lunch, let them have a few dollars to play on and then we took them to see Justin Bieber's 3-D Never Say Never movie.  All of my kids really like him, even Lucy.  We took her seat in, buckled her in and she was perfect!  She never got out once and even fell asleep towards the end.  

The movie was great (Jay and I enjoyed it too) and it's neat to see his "story."  Brayden asked me afterwards when we were in the bathroom, "Mom, why didn't you name me Justin Bieber??? Because I want to be Justin Bieber."  Haha "Well son because you're Brayden, not Justin Bieber and I am happy with who you are.  God made you special just the way you are!"  He also said to Karis at one point, "Karis did you know I am famous?" haha

We came home after the movie, ALL three kids played upstairs for about 2-3 hours which I was so thankful for.  I was able to get so much done.  We had mexican for dinner tonight (soft tacos, rice and beans), baths were given and the kids went to bed.  The hubs and I are about to watch the Bachelor finale...go Emily!  If he doesn't pick her, he is CRAZY!  It's been a great day!

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