Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lucy is 22 months!

Oh my Lucy girl...I can NOT imagine my life without you!!!

I will attempt to put into words your accomplishments, personality, and the joy you bring us because I know that someday sadly I will not remember the sweet little milestones.

I can't believe you are almost TWO!
  • You wear size 4 diaper, 24 month clothing and size 5 or 6 shoe.  
  • You weigh about 23-24 lbs. and are 32 inches tall.
  • You eat just about everything in sight.  You are a great eater and will try anything usually.  You eat unassisted pretty much all of the time and won't let me help you.  You use your spoon and fork great!
  • For breakfast, you will eat cereal, oatmeal, breakfast bar or cinnamon toast.  For lunch, you will eat a grilled cheese, hot dogs (sometimes will eat TWO whole ones cut up of course), chicken, soup, fruit, yogurt, or vegetables. For dinner you will eat whatever we eat...chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, banana.  Your absolute favorite foods are bananas, yogurt, string cheese, fruit snacks, bell peppers, apples, grapes, blueberries, and chips.

  • You HATE to have a dirty diaper.  You will come tell me immediately after pooping and tell me "poopy! change me!"  Sometimes you will even go get me the diaper and wipes and lay down for me to change you.  Even when you are really wet you will say, "I poopy!"
  • You love bath time.  At night it is a race to see who of you and your brother and sister will get undressed and get in first.  When I am washing your hair, you know to look up so the soap doesn't get in your eyes.

  • You are such a girly girl and love ALL things girly.  Your favorite toys right now are your cell phone (a real non-working phone), your little "pooter" (computer), your baby doll, your Bible and your purse.  But you don't mind playing in the dirt and getting dirty but want your hands washed once you realize they are dirty ha!
  • You are very picky about being clean sometimes.  If you see something dirty on the floor, you will often say one of the following..."ewww!"  "gross!"  "yucky!" "shoo-wee!" or "nasty!"

  • You LOVE to "GO!" If you think it is time to go, you will run hurriedly to the door, get your shoes and start saying, "jacket!  hurry! go bye bye!"

  • You have quite the little personality.  To those you may not see very often, you get quiet and shy around them and won't go to them or talk to them.  But to those who you are around often and are comfortable around, you can be quite the little ham.  You are a perfect mix of your brother and your sister.  You have the quiet, shy part of your sissy and can be a little handful like your brother.  You can put on a little pouty face like the best of 'em.  See?  It is usually followed by laughter.  

  • You are talking up a storm!!!  I don't even know to capture or remember all the words you are saying because your vocabulary has gotten so big, I can't keep up.  You pretty much say anything we say and some are better understood than others.  You are saying sentences and asking questions. I can easily carry on a conversation with you and it is comprehended by both, most of the time.  
  • Some of your fav things to say are please, thank you, sissy's at school, daddy's at work, coffee!, oop snacks (fruit snacks), string cheese, uh-oh, upstairs, outside, Axton's asleep, I hungy (hungry), eat lunch, cereal, oatmeal, daddy's truck gone gone, watch this!, I help you!, orange juice, chokit milk (chocolate milk), blanket, pillow, cover up!, slide, bath, jump (trampoline), Bible, sone (phone), pooter (computer), piture (picture), video (movie), bird in tees (trees), boys, girls, and I could go on and on.
  • You love to sing.  Your favorite songs are Zacchaeus, Baby (Justin Beiber), Happy Birthday (she sings you!), the blessing and patty cake.
  • When I tuck you into bed, you tell me to cover you up, and you have been known to point at me and say "out!" and then "cose door! (close the door)" haha  My girl likes routine like her momma!
  • You know some of your colors and animal sounds of a bird, kitty cat, dog and cow.

  • You are very active and dont' sit still for very long.  You love to slide, swing, run fast, and jump off of things.  You will jump off of something over and over again and say, "Watch!" 

  • You are very obedient.  You have a sensitive heart like your sister and don't like to disappoint.  If you get in trouble, it hurts your feelings and cry because you got in trouble.  If you see one of my kitchen wooden spoons, you say, "paddle!"  You pretty much know what you are allowed to get into and what you aren't.  I can pretty much trust you through the whole house unless Karis' makeup is out.  You LOVE to get into that and are SOOO  not allowed without sissy up there.  
  • You have been in a big girl bed (twin bed) for several months now.  You go to bed so good and when you wake up in the mornings, you will NOT get out of your bed.  You call me over and over again until I come and get you.  It usually sounds something like this...."MOM!  COFFEE! MOMMA! COFFEE!"  I feel the same way Lucy, girl me too! Me and you both need our coffee don't we?!

  • Your poor little skin is having a terrible time.  You have extremely dry skin and eczema all over your hands, legs, and feet.  I keep you greased up and creamed up most of the time.  You also have molluscum on your belly, arms and legs.  :(

  • Your favorite person is momma for sure (and I don't mind).  You love your daddy too but still prefer momma.  Some of your other favorite people (besides daddy, Karis and Brayden) that you talk about often are Lolli, Pop, Nonnie, Pop-Pop, Paige, Morgan (Mari-Morgan), Beth (Mary Beth), Axton, Landon, Trey, Sarah (Trey's mom), Destin (Axton's mom), Nathan, Engan (Mr. Henigan our neighbor), Mrs. Phyllis, Matt and ipany (Tiffany), Jon-Jon and Jenna, and Allen.

  • You often like to put on your brother's breathing treatment mask.  Thankful you don't have to use it too!

  • You love to get on the couch or in the bed and be covered up.  You lay your head down on a pillow and then say, "cover up!"

  • I am so excited about this summer with you.  You will be so much fun but are NOT afraid of the water.  So we will be learning to swim with floaties to ease this momma's mind!

We love you baby girl and are more in love with you every day!  I am so glad the Lord gave us you.  You bring us so much joy!

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