Friday, March 11, 2011

Fun Friday

What a gorgeous fun day we have had.  We had our friend Eli come over today too, so the boys have had a ball playing together.  Here's my K girl before going to school today.  She was SOOO excited about going to school today because they were celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday with cake and green eggs and ham.  Mmmm.

She read all the kiddos a story before she left...

The boys played outside most of the day because it was so gorgeous.  It was still chilly this morning (hence the hats, gloves and jackets).  It wasn't long before they started shredding clothes.

Lucy was being a goof ball this morning.  When I would start to take a picture of her, she would hide her face and giggle....little stinker!

Jay was working out in the yard this morning and he had three little helpers (while they all ate an apple)....

Lucy got to sit on the tractor and didn't want to get off!

One of Brayden's favorite things to do these days is to jump his ramp with his bike.  No it isn't too big of a ramp but to him, he is popping BIG wheelies!  

And while Brayden was popping wheelies, I was teaching Trey to ride his bike without training wheels! He finally got it today although he still needs some practice to go for long periods of time.  I was so proud of him!

We have decided with several other families in our church to do a "community garden" in our backyard. Everyone is pitching in and we can't wait to eat the veggies from it!  We had one  a couple of years ago but I had just had a baby so I wasn't much help and last year with a one year old, I wasn't much help either due to the obvious.  But this year, I can help and am excited!   Today Jay tilled the ground so we could get ready to plant!

We are going to do our beans, greens, tomatoes, etc. on the rows up front and corn and melons down in the back since they spread so big.  

Can't wait to eat the fruit of our labor!  What a fun day!  Oh and it is the start of Spring Break!  WOOHOO!  Looking forward to doing some fun things with the kids this week!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I would LOVE a community garden. What a great idea. Can't wait till we get settled somewhere and I can plant some things!! Yum!
