We had a wonderful weekend in Brandon visiting my brother Jonathan and Jenna. Jonathan has recently taken a youth minister position there and this is the first time that the gang got to go and see him in his new environment. They are doing great and God is blessing his ministry there already. It is soooo neat to see him in his element. It made me so proud of him!
I took some random pics some with my phone and some with my Canon.
My kids know that the only time they can jump on beds is in hotel rooms so they enjoyed themselves to say the least. Brayden was at Jonathan's house playing the Wii when we took these. I loved watching the girls play and laugh together...it made my heart smile!
Jumping from one bed to another...
When we first got to our hotel room, Karis opens up the curtains and says, "Wow! We have a NOT so beautiful view!" It made us laugh!
We ate at the Mellow Mushroom and it was so good. The hummus dip is sooo yummy and the veggie pizza was delicious too.
We celebrated Jenna's birthday since it was last week. We ate at a famous restaurant in town called C-Paws and it was sooooooo good! Their steaks were delicious!
My brother Jonathan and his bride Jenna
My brother Matt, dad, Brayden, Karis and my mom
Me and my bro Allen
They have a steak for two and me and Allen shared this....isn't it to die for? And it was delicious! Both of us ate on it and still didn't finish it all!
And then it came with 2 sides a piece!
We stayed in a hotel with a pool so the kids and I went swimming. They had looked forward to this all day.
Lucy was so NOT scared of the water. She was jumping in to me over and over again. I was even letting her jump all the way under the water and then picking her up and it totally didn't phase her. I may be in for some trouble this summer!
Next to our hotel is the biggest Bass Pro Shop I have ever seen. You better bet Brayden asked to go there 457 times. We went once and let him see all he wanted to see. They had a shooting range and he loved that.
We sat in all the boats....
Karis and Brayden did a fishing contest and B thought it was the coolest thing!
We went to church with them on Sunday which was fabulous. The worship was incredible and the pastor spoke truth. Again so neat to see Jonathan in his new world....we are so proud of him. God is truly using him because he is willing. One of my favorite things that the pastor David Jett said was, "God's will is exactly what you would choose if you could see from His perspective." WOW...so true.
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