Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Lucy!

Happy 2nd Birthday my sweet Lucy!  

I can't believe you are already TWO.  It seems just yesterday that I walked into church on Mother's Day knowing that something felt different and I knew (although doctors fought it) that you might come very soon.  We were more than SHOCKED to find out that you were a GIRL and couldn't believe you weighed over NINE pounds.  We were instantly in love and every day our love has grown more and more for you.  We can't imagine our lives without you Lucy Lu and hope to celebrate many more birthdays with you!  You are one of the joys and blessings in my life!

As I went outside to take some pictures with Lucy this morning, she was ham-ming it up!  I told her I was going to take some pictures of her in her birthday dress and she said, "Sure!"  When I told her to stand somewhere, she would say, "Ok!" and then she would smile and say, "Bir-day girl! Bir-day girl!"  Haha She was posing big time and acted like she has seen the camera  a time or two ha!

Lucy at the ripe old age of TWO, you are:
  • Wearing size 5 shoe, size 5 diapers and size 24 month/2T clothing
  • Eat just about anything but your favorites are hot gogs (hot dogs), bananas, oranges, apples, bacon, chicken, yogurt, and so much more.  You completely feed yourself and won't let us help you.  You have even gotten to where you want to sit in an adult chair and not in your booster anymore.
  • You go to bed when brother and sister do at about 8 and sleep until 7 or 8 the next morning.  You take a 2-3 hour nap around 1.
  • Found out last week you are allergic to eggs.  I gave you a bite from my breakfast and later that day it came back up.  Still haven't officially tried peanut butter....not gonna push it, especially now that I know you have an allergy to eggs.

  • You have such a fun little personality.  You can be a hoot around the house but sometimes are shy around other people.  You are learning and remembering people's names and ask for them when they are not around. 
  • You talk ALL the time. You say anything and everything and usually repeat everything we say.  You are truly conversing now.  The other day you wanted to go to a playground and I said "Lucy we can't go to that playground.  It isn't ours!"  And you replied to me, "Yes we can!!!" Ha
  • You LOVE to sing.  You can sing Zaccheus, Jesus loves me, Happy Birthday to Lucy, Baby Baby (Justin Beiber), and any song on your Jesus video (your favorite!).  Right now as I laid you down for your nap, you are singing happy birthday to yourself! :)
  • You will play and do anything your brother and sister are doing.  You go up and down the stairs on your own and even go outside to play with them.  You like to color with your sister and play sticks and balls with your brother.

  • You are getting closer to potty training but not there yet.  You tell me you need to sit on the potty but haven't done anything in there yet.  You tell me when I need to change you and especially when poopy you will come say, "Poopy...change me!"  
  • You can point to any body part and name them.
  • You love bath time with bro and sis and when I come to get you out, you say, "NO..Play!"
  • Your favorite toys are your baby dolls (especially like changing their diapers), BOOKS (any and all), and purses.

  • You are trying out the "No's" and "don't want to's" but you don't get very far with them so it doesn't last long.  You are well behaved and get your feelings hurt when you get in trouble.  
  • You have been saying "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am" although I have to remind you often.  I know this is a several YEAR long process, but it has begun.

  • You LOVE outside and we will probably spend lots of time there this Summer.  I am excited about it!
  • You enjoy animals FROM A DISTANCE!  If they get close to you, you start screaming and saying, "SCARED!!!"  You especially like dogs and horses.

  • You love to change your clothes by yourself.  Often I will go in your room and you have a ton of outfits on the floor trying to put them on.  I am afraid you are like your sister in that regard.  Oh me...momma may be in for some trouble!
  • You also want to put your shoes on yourself.  But you usually put them on the wrong feet...but you got to start somewhere.

In this picture below a gnat was flying in your face and you were mad....

Then you told that gnat, "GET AWAY...BUG!"

Then back to cheesin' it up again ha!

We love you Lucy Lemonds!  Momma and Daddy are thrilled to have you part of our family.  You are such a blessing from the Lord!


  1. So sweet! Can't believe two is already here. Happy Birthday Lucy! Love the birthday dress =)

  2. Again, love that dress!!! She's getting too big!! Love the pics of her holding the flowers. precious
