Friday, May 27, 2011

Day at the park

Today is my last official day of "work," and only Trey was here so we packed up the car and headed to the park for the day.  With no agenda and nothin' but time, we stayed for hours and just enjoyed ourselves!

We swang...

Ran and played...

Scavenged the woods...

Climbed trees....

Brayden fished and fished and fished...

And I snapped and snapped and snapped!!!

We had us a little picnic lunch...

The spiky haired boys!

 We rode trails on our bikes...

On the trail, it has these nifty little signs to do activities with the kids.  We did most of them and the kids got a kick out of them.  Here is an example....

They were acting like animals here..

Walking backwards...

Count your steps....37!

Shapes, colors, numbers, letters...ha!

We had a fabulous time at the park and the weather was great!

BUT as we were loading up in the car, Lucy started SCREAMING like she was really hurt.  She never screams like this.  I had to pull over and hold her for 20 minutes before she would stop.  She kept holding her mouth and I could not figure out what was wrong.  I have been thinking for days her meds weren't working for her ear infection last Sunday so took this as my opportunity to head on in to the doctor.  Her throat was red but negative on the strep test.  But BOTH ears were bad infected, so the meds she was on were NOT working and had gotten worse since Sunday.  So I gave her some Motrin and we headed to pick up new meds and home we went.

By the time we had gotten home and she had catnapped in the car, she was acting fine.  We headed out to the lake to ride the boat and for the boys to fish.

We walked down to the garden where we picked some snap peas and Karis' sunflower looked so pretty!

I guess it was a long day for some...
It is now officially summer!  WOOHOO!  Hoping Lulu gets to feeling better very soon and looking forward to a fun weekend with lots of friends, starting tomorrow!


  1. Hope Lucy feels better soon.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Hey Amanda. I love reading your blog and keeping up with your sweet family. You take the best pictures of them!
