I am shocked at some of the things they are doing in Kindergarten these days! I know for a fact that I didn't do SUBTRACTION, but Karis is doing great! Here are some samples of work that she brought home last week. I always want her to remember how smart she was/is!
These SOOO make me laugh. They have to come up with sentences and then sound them out/write them next to the picture. I know they are hard to read so I will type them out below just as she has written them. They say:
"I have a blue yo-yo but it brock."
"My dad yawns win he waks up."
"I play on my fort in my bac yard."
"The cat plas with yarn."
"I hit my dog with a yardstick." (We don't even have a dog haha).
She came home telling us about Martin Luther "the king" and this was by far her favorite project. Doesn't it look just like him???
My girl before gymnastics tonight. Such a sweet, smart girl...so proud of her!
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