First of all, Karis got her first Kindergarten school pictures back yesterday and I thought they turned out so cute! I know soon they will be "awkward" with missing teeth and all, so I will relish in the baby look as long as I possibly can!
Taking pictures inside is just not as much fun. Since the weather has been "frightful" this week, we have been cooped up the whole week. Today we were all screaming to get outside these four walls, so cold it was, but out we went! But first Lucy had a morning with her two favorite things...a book and her purse.
Trey's monster truck was still a hit....ALL. DAY.
I mean when you're stuck inside all have to find things to entertain yourselves with haha!
And finally...we get outside. The boys loved the leaves and were playing with them but Lucy? Check out her face...not so much.
She is starting to warm up to the idea...
"Hold you. Hold you!"
The boys found their favorite dirt spot...
She couldn't handle the leaves...but the dirt? Oh yeah!
"Uh oh! I got my hands dirty!"
"I wonder if he will notice that I have his truck?!?!"
Trey's smoothie...want some???
Haha this picture makes me laugh....MISS ATTITUDE!
Landon was not happy he had to leave his friends!
Karis had Polar Express day at school today. They had to wear their pajamas and she had her hair in pigtails but took them out right before this picture. I forgot to take a pic of her this morning before she left. She said she had a super fun day. They got to watch the movie, go to a 4th grade play, eat candy and drink hot chocolate that they stirred with candy canes (that part is important per Karis). :)
She told me she won this little rabbit because she won some coloring contest! Go Karis!
Tonight my hubby made us some chicken fried rice and we are relaxing...I am so worn out. I think I might turn in early tonight...just maybe.
Oh and my sis-in-law "elfed" me and my other sis-in-laws. It is pretty can see it here.
Oh and my sis-in-law "elfed" me and my other sis-in-laws. It is pretty can see it here.
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