Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Splash, doctor visit and Parade

I am going to go ahead and apologize for the quality of pics in this post...most of them were taken with my point and shoot camera but they are better than none!

Last night at church we had a family Christmas Splash and it was fun to do some activities with the kids. They had different stations set up and we went through and did them together as a family.  It was fun!

Since Karis is our artist, she decorated all of our family items. Here she decorated the frame that our family photo will go in.  You can't really see the details but at the bottom left she wrote all of our families' names on it.  

Mrs. Phyllis made this cake and it was so cute!  

This morning the weirdest thing happened!  Seriously I am still confused.  Lucy was walking out of my room and I closed the door behind her and she was crying.  I picked her up and sat on the couch and she wouldn't quit crying or let me put her down.  It was like she was hurting.  I began trying to figure out what was wrong and over about a 2 hour time, I realized it was her left arm.  She wasn't using it at all and she would grab it and say, "hurt".  I had no idea what had happened...I don't remember her falling or anything.  So I called a wonderful friend, Mary Beth, who came over at a moments notice to watch the kiddos while I took Lucy to the doctor.  By the time I got to the doctor she was using it as normal.  The doctor said it is very common to have a dislocation of the elbow called "nurse made elbow"(sorry my nurse friends if that is the wrong name for it..not really sure exactly) and it must have popped back into place on its own by the time I got to the doctor.  I wasn't picking her up by that arm or swinging her or anything so I have no idea what happened but I was SOOO glad it was better and we didn't have to go the ER. 

Oh and we have started calling Lucy "Mater" because when she smiles a certain way her front teeth look like Mater from the movie Cars.  This picture you can kinda see why we call her that haha!  She has some big front teeth and since she only has 10 right now, they kinda stand out!  :)

Tonight we went to our local parade and it was so crowded but so fun.  Jay had a Bible study tonight so I had the kids by myself.  We took all of our snow clothes, hats, gloves, etc because it was super cold!  We met our friends Paige, Mary Beth and Amy and all of our kids (10 total).  Our church has been in the parade the last 2 years but I was kind of relieved we took a break this year.  Karis was actually supposed to ride a float for her gymnastics class but they cancelled at the last minute because it was so cold so we got to just sit and enjoy it for the first time ever.

Lulu had so many clothes on she couldn't move!

Yes Karis had hat and gloves but said she got hot so took them off.  

Lucy was so fun at the parade...she waved at all the floats passing by and would say, "see it!  hear it!"  It was so cute!

It was so much fun and wore them out so much that ALL three kiddos fell asleep on the way home and it was only a 10 minute ride home!  I was worn out has been quite a day!

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