As we say prayers with the kids at night, Brayden is our prayer warrior. He wants to pray every night and consistently prays for our friends that are doing work overseas, every member of our family, his friend Trey and his family, special requests we talk about before our prayer time and even things that the Lord has already answered MONTHS ago (Pop-Pop's arm). He even prays for people who have already passed away (my grandmother Mimi) because he really doesn't understand that once they have passed away we don't pray for them anymore, but their families that are grieving.
And it is very common during prayer time that he forgets who all he is to pray for. So you will hear him say often 5 times or more, "What else???" And we quickly remind him the requests we had mentioned.
Last night we had mentioned my friend Jennifer's aunt had passed away so he prayed for her and in the middle of the prayer, I THOUGHT he said, "Is she getting married?" And I couldn't help myself in laughter. No disrespect to the prayer but the question just caught me off guard. You just never know what will come out of a 4 year olds mouth, especially Brayden. You see, we have had LONG talks the past 2 days about K and B getting married someday and both promise that they will never get married but live with us forever. Yea right! But Jay finally convinced them that if they never get married and have kids then we won't ever have grandkids. Karis finally agreed she would adopt for us haha! Anyway, Brayden actually asked, "Is she getting BURIED?" "Yes, son she is."
We usually are very strict that prayer time is serious and a respectful time to talk with God, but this time it was MOM that failed. I laughed and ultimately it was me that misunderstood the question in his prayer.
But this is just a sample of his innocent 4 year old prayers. It is all over the place and typical of him. I just want to remember them for years to come.
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