Saturday, November 6, 2010

Weekend wrap-up...

This weekend the kids are visiting Lolli and Pop so Jay and I have had a weekend alone!  Friday night we went to Logan's to eat for dinner and then we went to one of our associational churches because this weekend they are having a missions conference.  They are having missionaries that are home on stateside to share their stories of how God called them to the mission field and how God has used them on the field. 

 The speaker last night spoke on 1 Kings 19 when God chose Elisha to succeed Elijah as prophet. Elijah goes to Elisha and tells him to  come and follow him and he basically (my paraphrase) says, "But wait...I have to go do this first....yada yada yada."  It was as if he was wasting time and not immediately obeying God.  But then, Elijah (being a farmer) goes and sacrifices his oxen and burns the plow as if to get rid of anything that could keep him from following God.  What "plow" is keeping you from following what God wants you to do?  Whatever that may be, consider "burning" it so there is no turning back and nothing that will stand in the way of complete obedience.  It was one of the most powerful, convicting sermons I have ever heard.  

This morning, I got to sleep in until 7:45 which was nice but I am so used to getting up early that my body wouldn't let me sleep past that which was probably a good thing.  Jay and I went to the outlet malls this morning to exchange some shoes my mom got the girls and to look for some other things.  I got Lucy and Brayden a few things and I even managed to get a few things for myself that were on sale!  

We then had a lunch date with one of the missionary couples that are speaking this week at the conference from the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) in Africa.  They have been missionaries for over 20 years and had some incredible insight and stories.  We sat there for hours (literally) at McAlisters talking and sharing together.  It was a sweet time!

Then, tonight we had ladies' night...woohoo!  I always love these times when us ladies get to go and hang out and chat without kiddos!  We went to Outback for dinner and then did a little shopping too.  It was great to visit with some good friends and some new people as well!

Overall it has been a great weekend so far and good quality time with my hubby although I miss my kiddos!

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