Thursday, November 11, 2010

1,000th post!

Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served our country!  Thank you for your service and sacrifice!

Long night last night...ALL 3 kids up in the middle of the night MULTIPLE times coughing/yucky noses/breathing issues (Brayden).  Because of the many recent colds, getting up in the middle of the night has become my new norm.  Luckily, I am somewhat used to it and haven't been tired during the day.  I am not complaining  because I would do it again and again....I just want record of all of it, the good times and the bad.  I ended up sleeping on the couch with Karis for most of the night and I got some sweet cuddles. :)

Lucy goes and gets her purse to ride on her car, I guess she is going to the store!  :)

Aw sweet cuddles...

The trio....

Lucy's new favorite book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? I have read the book about 20 times already today.  I think she will be my reader!

Brayden's dirt bike riding face...wouldn't you be scared???

Aw sweet brother...

Look closely at the of the day.

Cool leaf...looks kinda like a butterfly...

Haha Lucy's contribution to the frog holding.  She has Brayden's frog fishing lure...

"Bye bye froggy..."

This afternoon the boys and I were sitting on the back porch talking and eating a snack and Brayden ran around the other side of the picnic table and slipped on a leaf and fell and hit his cheek/lip on the side of the picnic table. :(  It is not a very exciting story to tell so maybe we will claim the daredevil tactics he has been doing over the last several days haha!

Tonight we went to Karis' school for the book fair.  She has looked forward to this all week!  She wanted to show us her classroom and hallway again and this is her standing by her work. :)

On a more serious note, while we were at the book fair, Jay was at a meeting where he was voted unanimously to be the new Director of Missions (or DOM or AMD as some of you may know it) for our local Baptist Association.  He is humbled and honored and I am so very proud that my husband is willing to do whatever God calls him to, no matter what that is.  We honestly just want to be where God wants us to be whether that be a new job, right where we are at or around the world.

"But as for me, I trust in you, O Lord, I say, You are my God. My times are in your hand." Psalm 31:14-15

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