Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our friends

As Pioneer Woman would say, here is our "cast of characters" for this year.  We have enjoyed having our friends here this week but been missing Karis and Brayden!

Happy Jake

Lucy and Jake LOVE going to the bus stop in the afternoons to wait on Karis and Brayden to get home.  It is the highlight of their day!

Cutie Patootie Everett

Looks like he is talking on the phone ha!

Hazel bug :) Always smiling!

Huh????  What did you say?!

As of this week, Hazel is now walking almost all the time!  Yah Hazel!

Love the curls and ruffles...such a girly girl!

The little ones have had so much fun exploring and seeing what they can get into!

Looking forward to seeing these little ones grow up before my eyes!  They are all so sweet and I love them all so much!

1 comment:

  1. I put that headband on Hazel(righted it after she put it on lopsided after finding it in my bathroom floor - it's mine) as a half-joke, half-satisfy-miss-priss.

    Hilarious that she kept it on so long.

    We're excited about this year!
