Friday, August 3, 2012

Open House and a God sized reminder

Tonight was Karis and Brayden's open house for the 2012-2013 school year.   Karis will be in 2nd grade this year and Brayden will be in Kindergarten.   I know Karis will do great but putting another child into the school system, Kindergarten, will be hard on this momma.  It's not that I worry they won't be taken care of because that is far from the truth but it is that separation between a child and their mom...a time for them to grow up and no turning back.  Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes.  It makes me sad to know our time is now limited and I question whether or not I have used the limited time I did have with them wisely.

Karis found out she has Mrs. Page and she is very excited about it.  She seems like a really nice teacher and since Karis is so easy to get along with, I have no doubt she will have a wonderful year.

My 2nd grader Karis...

Karis and her teacher Mrs. Page

Karis and her assistant teacher, Ms. Brittany (who you have seen before because she is Landon's big sister!)...

Here is Brayden with his Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Mary Catherine (whom you have also seen before because she was Karis' Kindergarten teacher!).  She is WONDERFUL!  For those of you that know Brayden (or any of our children personally), you know that they are shy until they warm up to you.  Tonight was true of that and he wouldn't even take a pic with her without me.  I know he will LOVE Kindergarten (and his teachers) however he will have to warm up to the idea and it may take a couple of days.  He is my social one but he has to be comfortable first.  Monday morning has the potential to be difficult for the both of us, but I am praying that is not the case!

While I filled out the paperwork he played in his new classroom.

He even got a treat bag from his teacher which of course was a hit!

We loved Mrs. Mary Catherine when Karis had her and we know we will love her this time around too!  We may just have different struggles round 2 (every child is different!).  I am a little anxious with Brayden's medical issues too.  I had tons of medical paperwork to fill out due to his epi-pen, inhaler and benadryl.  Again, I know they will take great care of him that is not what I am concerned about.  You moms out there know it is just hard to hand your child over to someone else and let them take the reigns.  I have had many a talks with Brayden (until I am blue in the face) about knowing when to tell his teacher that he needs Benadryl or his inhaler.  His asthma has been very controlled this past year so we are hoping for minimal issues.

Karis and the Gator....Brayden and Lucy wouldn't get near it!  

After open house I let them play on the playground for a bit.  

While the kids were playing on the playground, I was actually talking to my mom on the phone telling her how surprised I was at the way Brayden acted and how nervous I was about dropping him off Monday.  I expected him to be shy, but not to that extreme.  Monday has potential for there to be tears on his part and then rivers of tears for me consequently.  I will be holding back the tears as it is (if he does great), but if he struggles, I fear I will lose it completely!  I was tearing up even talking about it to my mom.  Then I turned around and saw this and DID lose it....tears that is.

It was quite literally the ray of sunshine I needed, pun intended.

It was like God made that sunset just for me to remind me that He is indeed FAITHFUL and He has my son (and 2 daughters) in His hands.  When I can't be in control of my children, I have someone who is better than I to take care of their needs, to watch and protect them, to help them make good decisions,  and to guide them to honor Him with their words and actions.

I mean have you seen anything more beautiful?!

It's neat how God speaks to us through His word giving us just what we need.  As if the the sunset wasn't enough to remind me God is faithful, as I was reading this morning, I came across several amazing verses.  Again, felt like God was speaking directly to me.  He was, in fact.

I do choose to TRUST the One who formed my Son and Daughters in the womb, has their best interest in His heart and knows their tomorrows.  And because of that, I will have PEACE knowing they are exactly where they are supposed to be...

In their Father's hand.

Monday might not be so hard after all. :)

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