Thursday, August 23, 2012

Enjoying the weather...

In the mornings around here, the weather has been really nice, almost Fall-like.  Around lunchtime, I am reminded it is still Summer hot.  So the other morning it felt so good outside opening up the windows was just not enough.  We decided to load everybody up and head out for some fresh morning air.  Everett was sick at home so he couldn't join us.  :(

Hazel trying to wear her shoes on her hands....

Jake and his sweet grin...

Lucy, just a swingin'....

Always a baby in her hand...

Sweet friends!

We took a minute to pray for Karis and Brayden at school....aren't these so sweet?!

Our lake is SOOOO dry.  Never have I seen it this dry.  This is a section of the lake we usually fish in and we were actually standing where there should be water so you can see how low it is.  The whole area to the left should be full of water!

And all this grassy looking area is usually underwater too!

This is the firepit and all that overgrown stuff behind it is usually covered in water all the way to the left where the lake opens up.

After a while it started to warm up so on our way back we put our feet in the water....

Jake and his hulk!

I love this sweet pic of Hazel...shows her little personality!

Hazel is just a few weeks into walking so this is one of the first times she has "walked" outside.  She is normally riding in the stroller for fear of her falling face down on the concrete.  But I let her when we got back and she squealed like it was the best thing ever and kept pointing to her feet and the ground.  She wasn't so sure about this crack between her feet though!

Hugging the baby....

And since Everett wasn't here today I had to include some of him I took last week that make me crack up!  He was wearing Karis' hat and was pushing his cup in the stroller!  Sweet boy :)

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