Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Karis reads her first book!!!

After school you will often find Karis doing this when she doesn't have gymnastics (which is 2 days a week).  She LOVES to do her homework and looks forward to doing it.  I'll take it while it lasts!

Her homework isn't much but often it isn't enough for her.  For instance, she colored the pictures in her homework packet today so that it would "last longer" (in her words).  

My sweet Kindergartener

Enjoying some chocolate milk while doing her homework...

Yesterday her teacher sent home 2 books for her to start reading at home.  She read them last night for the first time and I was so proud of her I almost cried!  I was more proud than she was I think!  Tonight I got it on video.

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! Way to go Karis!!! And Amanda, I know you're one proud Momma!!!!
