Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brayden's prayer

The past couple of days for Brayden have not been so good.  He has been doing so much better lately (I think he has just matured) however yesterday and today were out of the ordinary.  Lately he will only get in big trouble (a.k.a spankings) about once a week but today the child just wouldn't learn his lesson.  He probably had one of the worst days he has had in a year or so.  He just wouldn't obey, would get into things he KNEW he wasn't allowed, was rough with Lucy on purpose etc etc etc.  It has just been one of "those" days.  So Jay and I had a long talk with him tonight and took a privilege away and reminded him that tomorrow was a new day...a new beginning.  As I was praying with him before I put him to bed, I asked the Lord to remind Brayden to always obey his parents and to help him make good choices tomorrow.  We thanked God for a new beginnings and thanked Him that He loves us even when we are disobedient (although it makes Jesus very sad!).  Then Brayden prayed his prayer.  Usually his are very quick and not very detailed.  But tonight this was his prayer....

"Dear Jesus,

I pray that you would make me be a sweet boy tomorrow and help me not to get any spankings.  I pray for Pop-Pop that his arm beez better and that Nonnie would have good dreams tonight....and Pinto that he would get better on the moon (????).  Help momma and daddy and sissy and Lucy to sleep good tonight and have good dreams.

In Jesus name I pray,

1 comment:

  1. I love that he calls one sister sissy and the other by her name! Funny!
