Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Karis' Kindergarten Open House

Karis woke up so excited this morning because tonight was her open house at school and she was pumped about getting to show me, her daddy and her Lolli her classroom.  Everything was as normal this morning and off she went to school.  

Here are a few pics of our morning...

Then I get a phone call from school stating that Karis had gotten "sick" in her class and we needed to come pick her up.  I immediately felt so sorry for her (and her teacher for having to clean it up!).  There is nothing worse than being "sick" somewhere other than home...and in front of her entire class!  I knew she would be SOOOO disappointed she couldn't go to open house...after all, she has been looking forward to this for weeks! So she was back home by 10ish and I quarantined her back in my room away from all the other kiddos and she got to rest, watch movies, color and got waited on hand and foot.  She was fine for the rest of the day (never got sick again).  

She still wanted me and Lolli (dad stayed home with the kiddos so I could go) to go and see everything at school so off we went.  Karis gave me strict orders of what to take pictures of so she could show us everything when we got back.  It was second best to being there herself.  So here is her classroom in pics.  The coconut trees at the bottom are the reward system.  If she does something good she gets a coconut on her tree and once she gets 3, she gets a treasure out of the treasure box (white box in left of pic).

Here Lolli was sitting in Karis' seat...

Lucy came along for the ride...

Her star student poster...

A book she made that was sitting at her seat...

Her cubby...hers is the one with the zebra pillow pet.

Her hat she gets to wear all week...

These are the sight words she should know by the end of the year...

Her project hanging on the wall outside in the hallway...

She has been telling me about patterns she is learning at school. 

We came back to the house and she had so much fun telling us all about each picture.  I hate she had to miss it, but so glad she is feeling better!  Hopefully (fingers crossed) no one else will get it!  Thanks Lolli for coming to Open House...it meant the world to K!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww, how sweet, I'm glad Karis is felling better!!! What a cute classroom, I loved going into Nathan's kindergarten class last year, their just something precious about them starting school!! (and he's just my nephew)

    btw, I love your hair!!
