We have had just a plain 'ole Wednesday nothing too exciting to share. Instead I'll just share some pics I took throughout the day. :)
Wouldn't you be scared of this warrior?? haha
Guess where I found Lucy Lu again????
Brayden and Trey spent about an hour today "fishing" off the back porch. They were really pretending they caught something!

It was still so STINKIN' hot today we couldn't manage 15 minutes outside without something cold. We are going through popsicles around here like they are going out of style! The kids surely don't mind!
I guess today was green day...
Tonight Karis had gymnastics and the rest of us went grocery shopping before we headed back to pick her up. She was so proud when she and her teammates finally got to get lockers! She has watched the "big" girls use their lockers for years and finally she gets one of her own! She made her own name tag to go on it. I took this pic with my phone so the quality isn't very good but you get the picture.

Whew...what a day, a hot one. Fall...hurry up!!!
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