Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

Friday night Jay wrapped up his messages with the plan of salvation and FIVE kids got saved!!!  He did an amazing job and God is so good!  There were 8 total salvations from the week! WOOHOO! To God be the glory!


Saturday wrapped up the 5th-6th grade camp and we had a 48 hour break (from kids but some staff was still here).  I went grocery shopping Saturday afternoon and I picked up Alice in Wonderland from Redbox for us to watch with the kids.  We watched it Saturday night and I ignored the once dirty, now filthy house I have right now.  It STILL awaits me...ugh!

Sunday we had some staff go to church with us and we at lunch at Qdoba..yum!  Jay and I hosted a camp staff appreciation dinner....steak, baked potato, and salad. Jay cooks up some mean steak I must add!  it was yummy!  Karis had Mari-Morgan spend the night and they, along with Brayden, played on the water slide and swam until dark.

It was so humid outside my lens kept fogging up!  Oh!!! And speaking of lenses, I convinced Jay to give me my birthday present early because I had a sneaking suspicion of what it was (I asked for a 50 mm lens for my Canon).  I wanted to have time to play with it before school starts back and my chances of fun picture taking is limited.  I have played around with it some but haven't had much time yet...I am so excited about it!

Today starts the last of 4 camps (that lasts through Thursday) and my kids are beyond excited about partying around the clock yet once again.  I can't believe the summer is about over and 2 weeks from today I start back to work and 2 weeks from Thursday my baby starts Kindergarten.  I will have a hard time with that one!  But for now, we will enjoy the time we have left...chow!

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