Thursday, July 22, 2010

The WORST sleepwalking mishap ever....

Seriously, if you need a good laugh, keep reading.

Camp just ended today and our crew is absolutely exhausted!  Karis was even asking to take a nap and Jay and I wished we could have taken one too.  We seriously just sat in silence for a long time because we were so tired!

SO.  Brayden and Karis were both asleep upstairs and Brayden comes downstairs after about 1 1/2 hours and looked very groggy and says, "Mommmmm I'm thirrrrrrsty!"  I replied, "Ok Brayden your water bottle is in the frig you can get it."  A few seconds later it sounds like the water thingy (don't know what it is called, you know with the crushed/cubed ice dispenser on frig???) is running onto the floor.  I thought "Oh my goodness, he has decided to get his own water and is missing his cup!!!"  I hollered from the den, "Brayden what are you doing?"  And then I said it again and no response.  I walked in the kitchen and saw the unimaginable.

Yep, start freaking out like I did!


I started screaming, "What are you doing?????"  He looked at me in that half asleep look like I was the one that was crazy!  By then he was finished with his business and I was left to clean up the disgusting mess.  in.  my.  refrigerator.

I guess he woke up early from his nap because he had to go to the bathroom and then on his way down decided he was thirrrrrrrsty.  And once he got to his destination, those thoughts got all jumbled up.

Needless to say, my refrigerator got a cleanin' out today....big time!

I guess it could have been worse.  He could have been drinking the toilet water!

He will NEVER live this one down!!!!

Oh and after that he went and crawled in my bed and is still asleep.  I guess he will sleep through the night.  He needed some serious sleep!  Hopefully he wont go to the bathroom in my bed!!!!


  1. Yikes. That beats AK playing with her dirty diaper and me getting to it before the contents were in her mouth.
    You win, but by only just a little! ha!
    Tell this story at his wedding!

  2. Hysterical!!! Even with 2 boys, I'm not sure I can top that story.

  3. Hilarious! I just found your blog and I love it! Thanks for sharing a funny story! You have a new follower!

  4. Oh my goodness Amanda, how funny that is. Brayden is so cute, what a precious little boy. All three of your kids are just addorable. I saw Lucy the other day at church with your Dad, my how she is growing.

  5. Oh my goodness Amanda, how funny that is. Brayden is so cute, what a precious little boy. All three of your kids are just addorable. I saw Lucy the other day at church with your Dad, my how she is growing.
