Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What to do?!

This morning was a rough morning for my K girl.  She does like school but several days lately she has mentioned she would like to stay home like her brother and play all day.  She mentioned this morning that school was "hard work."  I think reality has set in and she realizes that it is work and not fun and games ALL day long and B gets to stay home all day and play with toys!  The lack of sleep, long nights at gymnastics, homework and days away from home are all catching up with her.  She has mentioned that she wanted to "buy" her lunch at school and today was the day she was going to do it for the first time.  At the very last minute (like when she walking out the door) she said she was scared and wanted to take her lunch....so I quickly threw together a lunch and she got better.  Jay said as he dropped her off she was crying getting out of the car.  The lady practically had to help her out!

What to do?!  I absolutely HATE seeing her upset but I also know she HAS to get used to it!  It is so hard seeing your baby upset and there isn't anything you can do to make it better.  I want to give her sympathy and understand it is such a hard adjustment but at the same time I know once she gets used to it she will be happier at school.  I am sure she will get better and have a great day...but me?!  Not so much!  Hurry up 3:30!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have been following your blog via a mutual friend (Joy Finch.) I love the things and pics you post on here. We share similar lives so I can relate. :)My little one did the same today. It is so hard to hear of their bad days. I know it is going to get easier.
