Lucy has been giving a "look" lately that is hilarious. It is SOOO hard to catch on camera because it is so quick but only a few have seen her do it. She is to the age where I am having to get on to her for various reasons and she understands and obeys audible cues. For example, if she is heading towards the stairs (which she knows she is not allowed), I will say, "Lucyyyyy, no-no." And with that audible correction, I also give "the momma look." You know what I give it too!
So lately when I give Lucy the "look" she gives it back to me followed immediately by this adorable grin. And I cave...into laughter. Because she is way too cute doing it that I just can't help myself!
Here is my attempt at getting it on camera....
Brayden says when he grows up, he is going to be 1) a cement truck driver, 2) a garbage truck driver, 3) an 18 wheeler driver, 4) a baseball player, 5) a soccer player, 6) and in a band. Yep he will be one busy fellow and hopefully making alot of money doing all 6 of those! I hope he doesn't intend to be a husband and father along with all of those jobs!
Here he is practicing on job #6...
Pretty good huh? If only you could have heard the noise music coming out of that practice run. WOW!
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