Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lucy at 15 months....

Lucy today you are 15 months old!  What are you up to lately?
  • you can say.....momma, dada, bye bye, lala (lolli), sis-sis, pop, eeeee! (this stands cheese, eat and teeth when you want to brush your teeth), hey, hot, ball, up, mmmm (meaning food is good), night night, dis ("this"), Nonnie, .
  • are almost running
  • can sign finished, eat, please, more and where and use them without being asked

  • LOVE to go bye-bye, go upstairs, or go outside.  When I say any of these things, you get so excited it almost takes your breath away!
  • take only one nap a day (since July at 14 months old) usually around noon or 12:30.  You usually sleep 2 1/2-3 hours.  Even today you were so tired and walked into your room, stood by your bed and were saying, "Night niiiiight," You love to go to bed when tired and I hold and cuddle you for just a minute and then you usually lean over into your bed.  You lay down and I walk out and you never cry.
  • still eat some baby food (maybe once every couple of days) but you really like table food.  You like yogurt, granola bars, dry cereal, cheese, any kind of crackers or cookies, chicken, pudding, potatoes, raisins, bananas, chips, blueberries, strawberries and just about anything we will let you try.

  • you have learned how to drink from a straw
  • love milk but still want it warm before bed but when up and playing you will drink cold drinks (milk, juice or tea).

  • You have a  fun little personality and quite the flirt!  You grin at people but won't really go to them.  You want them to play with you but only if momma is holding you.

  • you are a climber and often climb up the stairs in a hurry b/c you know you are not supposed to!

    • you love carrying around your baby doll and giving "luv luv" and kisses
    • you have gotten much better about riding in the car and will dance to the music

    • You still love your paci but mommy would love to get rid of that thing! I tried to get rid of it but it didn't work so maybe when you are 2!
    • you weigh about 20 lbs.
    • you have 8 teeth but I think you are working on some more
    • you love to play with brother and sister...you love to play chase and will laugh uncontrollably!
    • you have had a bunch of haircuts and your hair is so long and thick I have to dry it or it does CRAZY things.  
    • You are a momma's girl FOR SURE, especially lately.

    Lucy you are such a joy and we all love you so much.  You get more than your quota of kisses each day.    Although I want you to grow up healthy and strong, I do not want you to grow up at the same time.  You have gotten so easy, predictable and can communicate and are as sweet as ever.  

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