Sunday, February 28, 2010

Technology Hiatus

I have discovered something....I don't like me sometimes.

The Lord has taught me that I am nothing without Him...absolutely nothing.  I have realized that my sin nature is coming out and I can be selfish, arrogant and prideful.  I sometimes (more than I want to admit) attempt to do "life" on my own without the Lord's help and every time I try, I fail miserably.   One of major faults is being a control freak and thinking I have everything under control, but I don't nor do I want to.  I need the Lord's grace today as much as ever before...and I don't have it all figured out.

I have become too reliant on technology as of late.  In a world where everything technology is at it heights, I have fallen in with the masses.  With facebook, twitter, blogging, I have lost touch with what is truly important.  Although I love social networking, I hate it too.  I love keeping up with people that I otherwise might not be able to, yet I have become reliant on it in place of others things.

I need to get back to the basics.  I need to focus on what is truly important, people and my relationship with the family and my friends, being a Godly wife and mother, and spending more time with the Lord.  Because that is first and foremost what God has called me to do.  I need to take a step back, for me, to readjust.

Times such as these are not fun.  Pruning is never fun but oh so worth it in the end.  I will be taking a technology hiatus for at least a week (blogging, twitter and facebook).  I am going to work on shifting some priorities.

The Lord is good.  I am thankful for a heavenly Father that is gracious and loving to His children.  He continues to show me kindness and mercy although I so don't deserve it.

I challenge you this week to get back to the basics too...let's focus on what is truly important....Him.  After all, if our relationship with Him is where it needs to be, everything else falls into place. every. time. without. exception.

And He WILL receive glory for that.  Because He alone deserves the praise.


  1. Amanda, I, too, have fallen in the technology trap. For Lent, I've given up fb. I've fallen a couple of times (I'll be honest), but overall it has been a great experience to get away from all the technology overload! Good luck, but you will be missed! Love your blog!


  2. Hello Amanda - I, too, have become trapped in the technology world. I can honestly say I deactived my FB account and in two day reactived it. I think I am going to say goodbye to FB. I will keep my BLOG. Through my blog, I have met so many friends. I have numerous families on my prayer list. You will me missed and we should all follow your lead!

    Many blessings to you and your family!
