Thursday, February 25, 2010

Does it work Thursday????

YES!  It does and I am SOO excited!

What in the world could I be so excited about you might ask?  Well I hope once I tell you, you will be as excited as I am!  Get ready...this news will...ROCK. YOUR. SOCKS. OFF!  Ok maybe not.

I am excited about these....

Why would be so excited about these?  And what do these dryer sheets....

...and this shower have to do with one another???

Well I am SO glad you asked.  I recently read on my friend Candace's blog (a friend now but I used to babysit this I feel old!!!) that she had heard dryer sheets clean soap scum off of shower and had tried it.  I have been meaning to try it for a while but tonight I decided to give it a whirl and it works!  At first I tried just taking a dry dryer sheet and rubbing it on my shower doors and it immediately rubbed off the soap scum but then I tried to wet it, and WOW it rubbed that soap scum right off!  I used 3 or 4 on my whole shower (all the way around top to bottom) and my shower is spotless and I didn't even turn on my shower!  It is like a natural exfoliant and you can feel when it comes off (it starts off rough and within a  few scrubs it becomes slick).  It did leave a soap film so after I cleaned the whole shower I took a wet wash cloth and just did a wipe over the whole thing.  My shower was GROSS before and within 10-15 minutes I had a sparkling clean, white shower.  I will definitely use this trick again!  It worked!

I don't know about yall, maybe your bathrooms stay sparkling clean and you never have to scrub them, but I feel like mine stay gross.  And there is one thing I can't stand...a dirty house and especially bathrooms.  So I clean them often and usually just sweep and mop the floors.  But even doing that, I still feel like the floors don't get as clean as I would like for them to be.  So every now and then, I get on my hands and knees and SCRUB them...I'm talking bowl, rag and scouring pad.  As I was doing this tonight, my kiddos came in and said, "We want to help!!!"  So I gave them a rag and let them go to town!  I don't know how much "help" it was, but nonetheless, I loved having them help and teaching them about how to properly clean.  And they loved helping momma.  And NO, I didn't make them do this, but YES I am all about having kids have chores and help in the cleaning process.  But this was strictly voluntary!

Karis was having so much fun that she said, "Mom I am having so much fun cleaning this!  I am going to let you teach me how to do more of this and I am going to listen to you now when you teach me.  Mom can I do this just anytime I want to???  It will just get cleaner and cleaner right???"

I actually thought my floors were relatively clean before I decided to scrub them, but apparently not!  GROSS!

And since Lucy wasn't in on the fun...(Hey I have to draw the line somewhere!)...I have to throw in some pics I have taken of her the last day or two.  One of her favorite things is to get into the pantry and play with the random stuff that she can reach.  Today she found some oranges and I found her doing this....

She acts like she was starving but guaranteed...she was NOT!  She had just eaten 2 jars of food AND 6 oz!  She has been a little pig lately!

Oh and what a sweet grin...I could kiss those cheeks all day!

Lots of cleaning done today and more tomorrow...I wonder if my helpers will last through the kitchen floor as well?! 

I am not holding my breath.


  1. OH MY, I can't wait to try the dryer sheets in my shower. I am so more elbow grease. LOL

    One gadget I just discovered for cleaning my tile floors...gotta say I lOVE LOVE LOVE it... The Shark Steam Cleaner. I am OCD when it comes to clean floors.

  2. I can't wait till my girls can help me clean!!

  3. Going to try that shower trick right now. It sounds like a miracle.
