Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hello Mr. Sheriff,

Hello Mr. Sheriff,

We are so sorry that you had to waste your time visiting our home tonight, but while you are here, let's teach the kids a lesson. Thanks for stopping by!

Shocked Mom

Tonight we had our friends over and Paige and I were sitting at the table eating dinner and Nathan had come downstairs and was standing in the kitchen getting something to drink. Before we knew it I saw him holding the handset of Karis' new phone. Above the phone was a "911" sign because I had been teaching the kids a while back about how to call it if there was ever an emergency. Nathan thought the phone was fake...but it isn't and yes, it was plugged in. I turned around in time to say, "Nathan that phone is real." He said, "Oh for real? I just called 911!" We thought he was kidding until the phone rings back.

"Hello mam this is the Sheriff's department, is everything ok there?"

I began to explain to her what happened and Paige and I were both in disbelief and I think Nathan was in a bit of shock too!

Needless to say, the sheriff did soon show up on my doorstep and we made a lesson out of it. We called the kids downstairs and explained to them 2 things they could learn from this:
1. You can't play around with 911 because it is very serious and only for emergencies.
2. If there ever is a real emergency, even if you are in a position where you can't talk to the person, someone will still come out to the house to check on you.

The sheriff was very kind about the whole thing and even agreed to take a pic with the kids. The boys were the scaredy cats and wouldn't get their pic taken with him but the girls gladly volunteered!

Lolli has recently gotten this phone for Karis and she has been practicing her numbers by calling Lolli, Nonnie, and Daddy on her "real" phone.

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