I can't believe my baby is almost a year old! These past 9 months have gone WAY faster than the 9 months that I carried her in my womb. With Lucy, I do NOT rush anything (unlike the others) and each milestone is bitter sweet. She has reached another month and is quickly approaching a year old!
I could kiss these cheeks all day long!
And these two pearly whites on her make my heart smile!
*I took lots of pics with the sign, yet I realized that I wrote TEN months instead of 9 months! UGH! I must have been looking at the date (the 10th) and doing it way too fast!
Lucy at 9 months you:
- have 2 teeth
- wear 6-12 month clothes, but some 12-18 month clothes (your legs are really long)
- wear size 4 diapers
- weigh approximately 17 lbs. 6 oz.
- are completely weaned (as of your 8 month birthday); you are allergic to milk so you are on lactose-free formula
- take 4 bottles (4-6 oz.) a day and food 2-3 times a day
- sleep 12 hours at night (usually 7 pm to 7 am)
- schedule: 7:00-wake up and take 6 oz bottle; 8:00-food; 10:00-4 oz bottle; 10-12:30-nap; 12:30-food; 2:00-4 oz. bottle; 2:00-3:30-nap; 5:00-food; 7:00-6 oz bottle and then bed
- pull up on any and everything and have learned how to get down by going to one knee
- you drop your pacis out of the bed constantly
- still like your paci but usually only get it at bedtime and in car
- you laugh really hard alot but mostly at your brother and sister
- you love when your sister Karis crawls behind you and chases you...it makes you laugh REALLY hard!
- you will go to just about anyone and grin really big at them
- eat fruit puffs for a snack
- haven't tried any other real foods (paranoid because of allergies)
- have stayed away from home several nights (3 visits to Lolli's house)
- give lots of kisses!
- have had 3 haircuts
- you LOVE bath time with brother and sister!
- are very loved! We all love you so much!
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