If you read my last post, you know that my sweet hubby surprised me on Friday with some beautiful arrangement of flowers and some chocolate covered strawberries. Well the strawberries didn't last very long (ok, they went REALLY fast) and the flowers have opened up and are prettier today than they were on Friday!
To make things even better, Lolli wanted to keep ALL 3 kids ALL weekend (Friday through Tuesday) which gave the hubby and I lots of quality time together. Yes, I realize how lucky I am to have such a wonderful mother to do that for us. Truth be told, she would keep them until NEXT Friday if I would let her...but as nice as the break is, I miss them TERRIBLY!
So Friday night Jay gave me the choice of where I wanted to go eat...of course I chose sushi! We both love it and it is such a treat when we don't have the kids. We had a great time! I got to sleep in Saturday morning (OHHHH it was wonderful!) and then I got a message from my hubby that said, "I have another surprise for you. Have an overnight bag packed and be ready by 3:00!" I was so excited and so blown away! So I spent the day doing around the house and trying to get caught up on a few things. Then we headed off to the hotel that he had reserved for us. It was a VERY nice hotel and only was possible through our Delta Skymiles which made it FREE! When we got there, we waited an HOUR in line just to check in and then they told us the rooms weren't ready and we would have to wait another 2 hours before they were ready. AND we didn't have the proper paperwork or something (they said we needed a voucher...the confirmation from Delta was obviously not enough). SO needless to say we were disappointed! We decided it was not worth it and we decided to go eat and then just head home. He already had us dinner reservations at my favorite restaurant Benihanas right across the street. So we went there and it was GREAT! Yes we had sushi TWO nights in a row...and I loved every bite BOTH nights!
My hubby did a wonderful job this year of making me feel special. I hated it for him that all of his hard work didn't pan out but at least he tried. He and Delta had a little conversation over the phone and they said they will make it up to us...hopefully so.
This is our 8th Valentines together and I look forward to at least 50 more!
I love you Jay and am so proud to be your wife! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband to me and father to our children. I am one lucky girl! :)
Tonight we had small group at our friends' house the Potts. It was Valentines theme of course and Mary Beth did an AMAZING job (as she always does...she is a great hostess!). Check out this fondue spread....
We love our small group and look forward to it every week. Sunday is always my favorite day of the week!
It was a wonderful Valentines weekend. Honestly I don't really know why we celebrate it but it is a great time to concentrate on the ones you love. One thing that has truly hit me this year is that no matter how hard we try in relationships, we WILL fail. We are sinful, selfish creatures and people will NEVER be able to fill that void in our lives that only Christ can fill. Although my relationship with my husband is AMAZING and I wouldn't trade anything for it, it isn't perfect. The only PERFECT love comes my Savior.
So Jay, I love you babe and I gladly claim you as my #2 (behind the Lord)! And I know you wouldn't have it any other way!
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