Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I can't even recall?!

This week has been very routine, nothing too exciting going on. We have been busy, yet I can't recall doing what (besides doing laundry, cleaning, bottles, diapers, more laundry, and more cleaning).

We have had lots of good quality time together as a
family that has been so good!  We have had lots of good talks and I love seeing the "wheels turning" in our little one's minds. God is working on their little hearts.  Lucy, on the other hand, is teething terribly and is having some terrible "acidy" teeth diapers and poor thing, her little bottom is red, hurting and bleeding!  :(  But she is still being a trooper and grinning constantly!

At night, you will find us all cuddling on the couch watching the Olympics...we love it!  So fun!

Although we haven't done anything exciting, you know I took some pics I have to share!  Besides, grandparents will revolt if they don't get their daily fix of the grandkids!

Oh, and Angie had a great blog post this week about ministry opportunities you need to check out here...it is worth reading.


  1. I have an award for you over on my blog!!!

  2. You may already know about this product, but I have to share just in case you don't...Triple Paste is THE best diaper rash ointment. It is great for chapped, dry, red, irritated, little bottoms. It will knock out a red bootie in no time. I actually put a little on my kiddos as a protection each day. It is about $8.00 a tube and you can get it at Walmart...it's totally worth it.
