Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sweet dreams my darlings

One of my favorite things to do is to sneak in on my kids late at night and watch them sleep.  There is something so precious and innocent about sleeping children.  

I managed to sneak a couple of pics of them tonight without any of them waking up.  We got in bed late so no baths tonight and they slept in their clothes.  I know I am not the only one who skips baths every now and then (go ahead and admit it!).

And yes, that is dirt on his face...haha!

Lately, Brayden and Karis have been sleeping together in Karis' bed.  I love that they do this because I can remember when my brother Matt and I used to make pallets and bunk together.  We listen to them giggle and whisper over the monitor before they fall fast asleep.  They even hug and kiss each other before they go to sleep...precious!  I hope they will always be this close!

They always go to sleep in the same positions...Brayden on his back (snoring) and Karis on her right side (just like her momma).  Oh and check out how Brayden sleeps...he is such a MAN!  He looks like he is giving birth...yikes!

Sweet dreams my darlings.  Momma loves you.

1 comment:

  1. I love watching my kids sleep, too. It is my time to sneak in some much needed kisses. I can also get AG to say some pretty funny things while she sleeps.
