Let me start by saying that I LOVE surprises...especially from my hubby. Today Jay came in and with a very special surprise for me and I was very pleasantly surprised! He had some flowers delivered and special ordered some chocolate covered strawberries (both some of my very favorites!).
Don't these look yummy? Well they are...take my word for it!
He also had a small bouquet for our girls. I love that he does that for them...I almost love it more than him getting them for me! He is a very sweet daddy and he wants to have those girls' hearts for as long as possible...at least until they are 30 when they meet Mr. Right haha!

Of course I had some help assembling the flowers and tasting of the strawberries! :)
Thank you babe for the wonderful surprise! It made my day and you know me well!
Oh and Lolli has the kids ALL weekend so Jay and I get to spend the whole weekend together, just the two of us. Can I tell you how excited I am to get to spend all my energies on my hubby, sleeping in and relaxing? Pretty excited...but only for a time. I already miss my kids and it has been 3 hours!
Tonight after we dropped the kids off we went to eat sushi which was incredible as always. We rushed home to watch the Olympics! Right now we are back in our pj's, drinking coffee and eating my chocolate covered strawberries, blogging (well just me) and watching the opening ceremony. It is giving me chills! Did you all see the "We are the World" song for Haiti? AMAZING!
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines weekend with your sweeties! :)
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