Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our new chore charts....

If you are like us, we have been at a loss of how to train our children to appreciate the things they have, be thankful for simple things such as a full closet, home cooked meals or options for snack time, how to have a good work ethic and the value of money.  Our children are just now getting to the age where they truly can comprehend what those mean (6, 5and 2) and we are putting it to good use.  They are at the age where they can really help around the house and learn that money isn't just handed to you, but earned.  Therefore they can appreciate more the things that they have worked for.

 Jay and I did some research the other night on good ways to teach your children some of these things.  We found a good homeschool website that had some cool charts we could use.  The website we found these is

We liked this particular one because there are chores they have to do before they can "earn" allowance (or commission).    Each child has a color coded chore chart with three sections: Morning chores, afternoon (or evening) chores, and a spot at the bottom to earn compensation for doing extra chores.  The key is they have to complete all their morning and afternoon chores before they can earn money, even if they complete an "extra" chore. They can choose up to 3 extra chores a day from the extra list to receive a maximum of .75 per day (.25 per chore).  This teaches them that not every responsibility you have will get compensation, some things you just have to do to be a responsible part of family and society.  And of course we will be put age appropriate responsibility and expectations on them considering Lucy is just 2.  

We keep up with what they earn each day and will tally it up on Saturdays (pay days).  BUT they can't spend it right away.  They will put it in their piggy banks and at the end of the month, they can spend their earned money.  We did for several reasons. First, we want them to teach the value of saving and we wanted them to have enough to get a decent toy not a piece of junk from the dollar tree (that they already have had at some point anyway!).  Also, 10% will be given to tithe and the rest they can spend as they want.

We had a family meeting last night and explained it all to them and they were literally cheesing in excitement!  I think they are really excited about it!  Karis couldn't wait to make her bed today (I know that will be short lived but will enjoy it while it lasts).  And Brayden completed 3 chores already with full enthusiasm and a great attitude!  But after all their hard work, it will pay off soon enough and hopefully they will learn a thing or two and start to appreciate hard work and achievements.

Oh and they have a bigger kid version which we could have used for Karis but we decided to do them all the same for obvious reasons.  The older kid version is here and this is the preschool version we used.

Hoping this works and sticks!

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