Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Catchin' up!

It's been a busy few days trying to get back in the swing of things.  I have started back working, Karis is learning the ropes of 1st grade (it's alot harder than Kindergarten and more homework), all the while being a full time mom, cook, and housekeeper, trying to keep up my running and spending quality time with the kids too.  Whew!  I know everybody feels the strain this week!

This past Saturday night when the kids spent the night with Lolli, she took Karis on a shopping spree for school clothes.  Karis LOVES the store Justice, I think it is just because it is "big girl" clothes.  She has worn something new every day since and is proud of her new clothes.  I took a pic of her this morning and she was posing for me!  Funny I didn't even notice when I took the pic that Jay was walking behind her until I loaded them oh well!

Tonight when Jay and I went to the park to run, Karis put on her "running" clothes so she could run too!

Landon and Axton had a bit of a reunion/hug fest yesterday.  And they were kind of dressed alike!

Landon being silly

When one of the babies are laying down, Lucy loves to go and lay with them.  Oh and notice this purse that is laying beside her...she takes it EVERYWHERE with her.  Not kidding...when I change her diaper, when she goes upstairs, anytime we get in the car, and definitely to sleep at night.  We even have to convince her to hang it on her chair when we eat a meal! In it she has her sunglasses (multiple pairs you know just in case she loses one), multiple phones, bracelets, her hair brush, chap stick, and other toys and accessories.

 My sweet girl before school this morning...

And Lucy's bed head when she woke up...wooo!

Sweet Hazel...daddy's girl.

Hazel is constantly putting her hands up by her face.  She is a paci sucker but this morning I caught her with her thumb in her mouth!

Lucy LOVES the babies...can you tell?!

I love me some baby precious! (Everett)

And sweet Hazel's cutie toes!

See what I mean about this purse??? She came to me this morning with her purse on her shoulder and said, "Mom I am ready to go shopping!"  OH me...I am in trouble!

Cute little monkey...

Future couple?

Everett and Landon's mom work together in the same room at school.  Landon's mom Becky is Everett's mom's  assistant.  

Sweet and Innocent

Yesterday afternoon it was even cool enough we could go outside without sweating to death.  I long for the cooler weather days!!!  Boys will be boys...

Jay and I recently have decided to turn the t.v. off and spend that time reading and doing other things.  We have been praying through some things together and want to not be distracted by the things of this world (easier said than done).  We haven't watched hardly any since the beginning of July and have enjoyed spending more time in the Word, more time with family and I even have started a pleasure reading book.  I have never read a Karen Kingsbury book and have wanted to for some time now (she is a Christian fiction author) so I picked up a few while we were out of town and I am halfway through this one and it is good!

I also started my Half Marathon training last night!  This one is generic although my brother was able to get me a customized one based on my 5K time.  I really look forward to cooler weather to run these longer distances.   I need all the help I can get!!  Last night I ran 3 miles in 28 minutes so I improved even from Saturday (almost 31 minutes).  This cooler weather is my best friend!

These are some iphone pics I took this last Saturday night when Jay and I went out to eat.  He took me to a new Thai restaurant and it was really good. My dinner was good but the eggrolls I think were my favorite! 

Here are some videos I have taken but never put them on here.  Since it has been so hot, the boys haven't been able to go outside much and they NEED to work off some energy.  So I turned on the dance game the other day and they all stay very active ha!  They all took good rests/naps after that too!
Wii Dance from Amanda Lemonds on Vimeo.

This is a video Jay took of Lucy while we were on vacation in Florida.  Her new thing to say is "Oh my goodness!"  She says it all the time and is soooo dramatic!  We were loving her reactions when we were in Bass Pro with all the animals.  
Lucy, "OH MY GOODNESS!" from Amanda Lemonds on Vimeo.

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