Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A no picture update

I am sure you are pictured out from my last week of posts, so here is an update without one pic!

Whew what a past few days it has been.  To catch you up to speed, coming back from vacation was BRUTAL, partly because of our planning though.  We drove back from Destin on Saturday afternoon and didn't get home until 11:30 p.m. which is past our bedtime!  Then Sunday was spent going to church, then unpacking, washing clothes, trying to get back to normal before Monday.  Not only is coming back from vacation tough but Monday was also my first day back to work since kids got out in May.  I do LOVE new starts and am excited about this year and LOVE my kiddos, but getting back into a routine has its pros and its cons.

We are two days into the school year for teachers and I have two new babies this year and I am LOVING having new babies to love on. I am enjoying snuggling with them, loving on them and spoiling them and then giving them back ha!   I am usually the momma in that situation so it is fun for me to not be the momma for a change.  I will introduce the cast for this year at a later time but I am very excited about what is to come this year.  It is promising to be an exciting, eventful year!

Karis starts school on Thursday and I haven't had time (or refuse to) think about it.  I get sad every time I think about it and can't believe she will be in 1st grade!  It will be a tougher year I know and I am not really looking forward to that.  We went and got her school supplies last night and she loved that (she is way too much like me!).

I have officially finished the Couch to 5K (while in Florida) although I am still running week 9's over and over again to keep the bar high for myself.  I don't want to slack now that my "goal" is achieved.  I have my first 5K since I was in college this weekend and I have mixed emotions about it.  I know it will be fun, a rush of sorts, but it is sooooooo stinkin' hot I haven't even enjoyed running lately.  Most of my runs are miserable to be honest just because of the heat!  After that I will start training for the half marathon in December and I honestly don't know how in the world I will be able to do it.  Right now the thought of running 13 miles makes me want to pass out, throw up and just quit.  I am hoping when the weather cools off a bit I will enjoy it more.  I guess I am needing some encouragement here?!?!

All in all it has been a busy few days and back to a routine it is.  Although change is tough on me, you all know I love a good routine.  SO change isn't always a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything goes well during this new "school" year.
