Thursday, August 4, 2011

Karis is in FIRST grade!

I can't believe the day is already here....time for school again and my baby girl is in the first grade!  She and I had mixed emotions about her going back to school...she was mostly excited and I was mostly sad!  She was excited, a little nervous, and sad about leaving us.  But she was up and ready early, excited to see what the day held for her.  I was hugging/holding her after she got ready (she and I were the only ones up at that time) and I just uncontrollably started crying.  I was telling her how proud I was of her and how much I would miss her and just couldn't hold back the tears! I am crying right now even thinking about it!!!  She pulled back away from me and said, "Mom!  Why are you crying????"  There is just something about knowing your baby is nervous and anxious, will be with people she doesn't know and knowing there is NOTHING you can do to make it easier on them.  Being a parent is hard sometimes.  Letting go is necessary but oh so HARD!

Anyway, here she is on the first day of 1st grade....

The whole family before Karis went to school...notice Lucy and Brayden's bed head haha!

Jay and I both took her to school today and she seemed deep in thought on the way there...couldn't help but be nervous for her.  I wonder what was going through her little head?!

This is outside her classroom...

And her sweet teacher, Mrs. Herrmann.  Karis knew her from last year and LOVES her!  She was so excited to have her!

Hi Mom!  I am doing alright can leave.  :)  
I left with only a couple of teary eyes but I don't think I embarrassed her too bad!

When she got home from school, she seemed to have had a great day!  Of course I didn't get too many details but she loves her teacher, has several friends in her class, is the first"teacher's helper" for the week and is excited about going back tomorrow!  I am so relieved she had a great day!

1 comment:

  1. So glad she had a great first day of school. Wish she have a wonderful school year.

    PS: When Brayden starts kindergarten?
