Thursday, August 18, 2011

Crazy faces, friends and some swimming...

Yesterday morning Trey and Brayden were dressed alike and I was trying to take a picture and this is as good as it got ha!

Lucy and Landon were watching them take the picture and then I turned around and saw this.... I laughed so hard!

Hazel chillin' despite all the CRAZY boys in the house!

The babies get lots of entertainment in the house.  If they are awake, everybody wants to play with them...and I think it is safe to say they like it. :)

Last night I made some Pioneer Woman Beef and Bean Burritos that were super yummy.  Then after dinner we went to our new small group.  Jay is leading a new class and this was our second meeting.  I LOVE small group.  It is so good to share life with people who understand where you are coming from and are loving and supportive.  I look forward to it every week!

Today Eli got to come all day to play and the big boys were super excited to have a fresh face here.  They all love it when Eli comes over!  These three boys will all start Kindergarten next year.

Five of the 8 kiddos today...glad they all play well with one another!  The babies will soon enough!

Everett hangin' out...

Tummy time!

Hazel being her sweet self...look closely and you can see her momma's lip prints from this morning.  Now she can feel loved ALL day by mom.  :)

She doesn't get any attention or entertainment either haha...Hazel's daddy better watch out for all these boys! 

When I went to get Landon up out of his bed today he had somehow managed to get his shirt all turned around and crazy.  It made me laugh!

After my babies' left, we packed up our family and went to the park to get a run in.  I ran with my new Nike + IPod today and loved it. I ran a 5K in 28:30 so my time is slowly improving but not as quickly as I would like.  Then we let the kids swim for a few minutes before we had to head in for the night.  They haven't been swimming since I started back to work/school started and we will be closing it in just a few weeks so we thought we better let them swim.  They loved it but didn't last long.

Of course Brayden found a frog...

And let it swim with him in the pool...ewwww!

Lucy's no diaper hiney ha!

Speaking of no diapers, Lucy is doing marvelous with potty training.  She hasn't worn diapers since last Friday and Monday was the last accident she had (and that is because we were out in public and we just didn't make it to the stall in time).  She is even dry during naps and most nights and most of the time doesn't have to be prompted.  She goes (teetee and poopoo) on her own on the big potty and then calls me when she needs help.  Tonight before we went swimming, we were talking about not having to wear swim diapers anymore when swimming.  I told her, "No we don't go teetee on the floor, in our panties, or even the POOL."  And then she replied, "NOOOO that would be bad, bad, bad Wucy (Lucy)!"  Haha

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