Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My little reading nook...

Do you all have a favorite place that you go to in your house (a favorite room, space or chair)?  Well mine used to be on the couch in our living room because in the evenings Jay and I would watch our DVR shows (usually while I blogged at the same time).  But since we haven't watched much tv over the past couple of months, we now congregate in our sunroom, formerly our dining room until we realized it was wasted space.  Any time after the kids go to bed, at 8:00 or 8:30, you would find Jay and I in this room talking about our days, reading or on our computers until bedtime.  We have recently rearranged the room a bit and I now have my absolute favorite spot in the house.  It is where I spent all my free time in the early mornings and late at night.  I start my day off in this chair doing my quiet time, read here during nap times and relax at night before bed.  It has everything I need right at my basket of books, my computer and plug in, a table for my lamp, coffee, candle, books and pens, highlighters etc., and a great view with lots of natural light.  Although I hate the lamp that is on is super old and I will replace it soon.  It is all we had to put there for the time being and it will have to do.

Trey's mom made this for me at the end of the year last May and I love it.

Because I spend so much time here and do so many things, the table often looks like this....a mess!

I used to hate this big window when we moved out here years ago and would keep the blinds closed at night but now I have learned to LOVE this window and to embrace it.  I love being able to see outside!

So where is your favorite"spot"???

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