Friday, July 29, 2011

Beach family pictures 2011

Tonight we had planned to take some family pictures at the beach since we had not had any made since Lucy was born.  I mean, you can't really go to the beach and not get family pictures taken right?!  So we get everyone ready and went down to the beach to meet a friend Stephanie who was also taking family pictures tonight so we agreed to take each others.  As we were pulling up to take them, Lucy says, "I cut Lucy's hair momma!"  I turn around in horror and she is holding a pair of Karis' scissors that she left in the car and her hair was hanging from them!  I was absolutely speechless and about got sick to my stomach!  OH! MY! GOODNESS!  

And of course it was right in FRONT!  See that grin on her face...yeah.

Oh well.  It's just hair.  And it grows back...eventually.  We ended up getting a few good shots.

I took Karis and Brayden's first and then Lucy's.  It was funny to see her do what her brother and sister had done.

She had just done what she had seen Brayden do.  But B didn't have a skirt on haha!

This one makes me laugh....looks like she was squatting to go to the bathroom!

Karis took these of Jay and I.

Our friends Stephanie and JJ and their kids...

Life with kids....full of excitement and surprises!  :)  But I wouldn't trade the world for it!