Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A no picture post

Shocked I know...but just a little of an update.

Today was a productive day compared to the sad cry of a day I had yesterday.  We didn't even get out of our pj's yesterday and although I dont' get to do it often, it was niiiiccce.  It rained here and I had so much catching up to do on the laundry, dishes, and the house in general that we didn't go anywhere.  I also helped Brayden put together his car track Lolli and Pop gave him for his birthday because his daddy wasn't here.  Now I know why those are daddy jobs but I succeeded nonetheless!  I ended up spending several hours on Lucy sitting on the potty because she decided on the spur of the moment she wanted to tee-tee in the potty.  She did it once but never did it again so I am not pushing it right now.  I am willing to wait to make the process much shorter when she is completely ready.  :)

I also tried to update my blog and header since it was way's been on my to do list for weeks but requires several straight hours that I seem to never have!  After spending 1-2 hours on making a new header, I found out scrapblog is shutting down and mixbook wouldn't let me download a digital file to use for my header so it was a waste and I had to start completely over.  So I had to come up with plan B and made my new header using Picasa although it wasn't as much fun.  I had never used Picasa before yesterday so I am sure I could do much more with it, but it will have to do for now.  I changed the background too...go check it out here.

Then at one point I got sucked into the verdict of the Casey Anthony case.  I have watched maybe 30 minutes total of the whole trial but I was interested in the outcome.  I was shocked to say the least with the rest of the world with the verdict, but know that I can't make judgements because I wasn't very familiar with it. My gut tells me she probably didn't commit 1st degree murder however was involved and hid whatever happened.  She will receive judgement one day from the One who knows what really happened. I too, am GUILTY of sin and thankful for the grace shown to me through the cross.

This morning I met my running buddies to run week 6, day 2 of couch to 5K.  Starting Friday, we will be running at least 25 minutes without stopping for the next 3 weeks until we complete the program.  OH MY!!!  I can do this...I WILL do this!

After we ran, we came home and since I was already stank---y, I cleaned out the garage, pulled weeds and then vacuumed, cleaned windows and washed the outside of the car.  Then I cleaned the upstairs which I only do about once a week and about lose my cool every time (toys are everywhere and it drives me crazy!).  But we survived and celebrated their hard work with some ice cream.  :)  I also did some laundry, dishes, vacuumed and finished cleaning out a bathroom and Lucy's room.

Looking forward to having a sleepover tonight with Paige, Nathan and Mari-Morgan!  I can't even count the number of times the kids have asked, "When are they going to be here????"


  1. Amanda, I think the header is super cute, but if you want direction on how to do one...I found tutorial videos on shabbyblogs dot com. There is also a photo site called fotoflexer dot come that can do some really great headers, too. That is how I did mine. I watched a You Tube Video and followed her step by step instructions on FotoFlexer. Just thought I'd share if you weren't completely happy, but I think it is really cute just the way it is!


  2. Amanda, I think it looks great. I use Picasa for all my pics and I make collages all of the time and I never knew that it had all of those cute features. I am so glad that it can be done. I used to make my headers in picasa before scrapblog, but they never looked like that. Good job.
